Nanala was brought to the hospital a few hours later by Danielle. Since Nanala didn't have any family, Danielle had decided to stay with the girl. Danielle felt like a sister to Nanala, so Nanala felt relieved when Danielle had agreed to stay with her. At least, with Danielle there, Nanala wouldn't freak out from the muggle doctors and all of their muggle birthing techniques and equipment.
After a couple of hours in the hospital room, Nanala was finally dilated enough to start pushing her baby out. She held tightly to Danielle's hand with her right hand, as her left hand gripped the bed railing tight. Nanala had to hold back a few screams of pain, since she had opted out of taking muggle medications. She agreed to taking medication afterward if necessary, but she really didn't want it. Honestly, she planned to work a couple spells in when nobody was paying attention to her, so she wouldn't be sore anymore.
"It's a boy!" The doctor exclaimed, as she laid the baby on Nanala's chest.
The baby was a little nasty of course, but it was her baby, and she was happy to finally see him. His loud cries echoed through the room, as a nurse used some type of muggle suction device to clean the baby's airways.
"Would you like for me to clean him now?" The nurse asked, and Nanala nodded.
A different nurse came over with some papers, as the doctor and a couple other nurses finished cleaning Nanala up. The nurse set the papers on the counter top, before turning to the new mother.
"What name are you giving your son?" She asked, causing Nanala to bite her lip.
"You won't believe me if I told you," Nanala murmured, and the nurse smiled.
"Don't worry, dear, I've heard some rather strange names in my life. I know your son will have the best name," She replied, making Nanala nodded slightly.
"His name is Henry Remus Malfoy-Potter," Nanala said, causing the nurse to look at her with raised eyebrows.
"Like the Harry Potter characters?" The nurse asked, and Nanala nodded.
"Yes, but believe it or not, his father had the last name Potter, and my last name is Malfoy. I know it sounds strange but it's true," Nanala answered, causing the nurse to smile again.
"Well, your son will sure have some attention when everyone hears his name. They will love it though, I can promise you that," The nurse commented,"And his father, what is his name?" She asked, causing Nanala to frown.
"His father died before I could tell him about Henry. I'd rather not put his name on any of Henry's papers," Nanala said, and the nurse nodded one last time.
"I'm sorry for your loss, dear, but I will make sure you're the only parent on Henry's files," The nurse replied,"Have a good day, and call if you need anything," She added, before she walked out of the room.
The nurse that had been cleaning Henry, brought the small baby over. He was now in a diaper--the word Danielle practically drilled into her head-- a white , hospital issued onesie, with a white receiving blanket, and a cute little blue, white, and pink striped hat on his head. The boy had fallen asleep, but Nanala didn't mind. She admired her son as he slept; his curly, dark hair sticking out from under his hat.
"He's absolutely beautiful, Nala," Danielle cooed, as she stared down at the small baby.
"Would you like to hold him?" Nanala asked, and Danielle quickly nodded.
Nanala carefully handed her son over to her best friend, and smiled as she seen the admiration wash over her friend's face. As she watched her friend, she wondered if she should tell Danielle the truth about herself and her son. She wondered if Danielle would believe her, or if she would call Nanala a liar and never speak to her again. Nanala wasn't always very brave, but she really wanted to finally tell her best friend everything. Besides, there wasn't a Ministry of Magic in this universe, so there wasn't any way for Nanala to get in any trouble for telling a muggle about her magic.
"Danielle, how would you feel if I told you I was keeping a secret from you that I'm absolutely terrified of telling anyone?" Nanala asked, biting her lip gently.
"Well, if I'm honest, I'd say I'd be a little hurt that you haven't told me yet, since we're best friends, but I'd also understand," Danielle began, looking up at Nanala,"If the secret scares you much, I don't expect you to tell me, but if you ever want to, I'm willing to listen. I promise I won't judge you or hate you for anything if you do tell me one day," She added, before she passed the little boy back to Nanala.
"One more question," Nanala murmured,"How do you feel about being Henry's godmother?" She asked, causing Danielle to gasp.
"Are you serious?" Danielle almost whispered, and Nanala had to hold herself back from making a 'Sirius' pun, knowing it would hurt like hell emotionally,"Yes, I would be honored!" She gushed, though her voice was still quiet, since she didn't want to wake Henry.
Nanala began to feel sleepy, so Danielle helped her place Henry in his hospital crib--another word Danielle kept repeating--, before Nanala laid back on her hospital bed and began to fall asleep. Danielle stayed in the room the entire time, knowing she'd need to help Nanala with Henry for a bit. Besides, Danielle would never leave Nanala or Henry's sides, not unless she absolutely had to do so.
While falling asleep, Nanala came to a definite decision. She was going to tell Danielle the truth, and answer any possible questions that the woman might have. She hoped Danielle wouldn't hate her for keeping those things a secret, but she had to protect herself and her son. She didn't really know what dangers were out in the muggle world, especially in a completely different universe than the one she was from originally...
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I am so sorry for not updating in a while. I had a lot of things thrown on me at once, and then I got sick to top it all off. Luckily, I'm back and I'm better. I will be updating more chapters over the next few days. I'll probably be at part three by the end of this week or the beginning of next week, so if you haven't voted for the love interest, please go back and vote.
Love you guys!
Follow!- Youngblood Xxx

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanficNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...