Chapter Fifteen

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"It's funny, you have the exact same name as Lucius Malfoy's sister," Danielle commented, as Nanala worked the register.

"I know, it's weird. Maybe the author heard of me and wanted to use my name for her character," Nanala lied, and Danielle nodded.

"That almost sounds fake, but I could believe that, especially if you were in the same area as Rowling when she was writing her books," Danielle replied, causing Nanala to smile.

Nanala gave the next customer their coffee, before she turned to grab her own and take a sip. The girl had learned many different types of coffee as she was in the muggle world, and one of them was decaf, meaning it wasn't going to harm the baby. She loved frappuccinos most, and they didn't have any caffeine in them when she made them. She listened to the doctor when she said not to drink caffeine, even though it was in almost everything she liked to drink, other than chocolate milk and sports drinks. She really liked sports drinks, and she always made sure to get the ones safest for her and her baby.

"Do you want to see the first five Harry Potter movies?" Danielle asked, handing a customer a wrapped up sandwich.

"Sure," Nanala answered, deciding that she wanted to see how they portrayed the characters in the movies.

The books made her cry, especially with everything Draco and Harry had to go through, as well as the death of so many people, such as her best friend Remus, her other best friend Sirius, Dora, and Fred Weasley. By the end of the books she cried for Snape, even though she swore she wouldn't, but she did not cry for her brother. He deserved the torment he recieved, even if he swore he wasn't a horrible person.

"We can watch it at my house. I'll order takeout, and I'll make sure to have plenty of stuff for you and pumpkin," Danielle said, and Nanala smiled.

Danielle had started calling the baby Pumpkin, and Nanala couldn't lie, she actually liked the nickname. Nanala actually started calling the baby Pumpkin as well when she was with Danielle. Danielle had practically become Nanala's best friend, and the girl was glad she finally had someone after thinking she lost absolutely everything after being thrown into a whole different universe. After reading the books, she googled some things, and realized Dumbledore had sent her to a different universe without giving her a way out. After everything she read though, she doubted she'd ever want to go back anyway, since she learned Lily and James ended up together. Even though she was gone, she was still disappointed in James.

Nanala was never going to tell Danielle the truth, especially since Danielle was a normal girl, and she didn't deserve the stress that Nanala would throw on to her with the truth.

"Make sure to have my favorite foods, otherwise I'll probably be really bitchy around two in the morning when I get really hungry," Nanala commented, and Danielle nodded.

"I know," Danielle replied, gagging slightly,"bananas and cheese," She continued, another fake gag,"and grapes with lettuce," She finished, and Nanala smiled.

"Oh, last night I tried crisps on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and it was amazing. I actually made me one of those for lunch today," Nanala said, causing Danielle to sigh jokingly.

"What kind?" She asked, and Nanala smirked.

"Cheetos," Nanala replied, making her friend laugh.

Nanala heard a couple laughs from the back, notifying her that a couple of the other workers had heard her. Four other people worked with her and Danielle. There was the manager, Angel, the two cooks, Markus and Liz, and the boy who did all of the running around-- which was barely anything since it was a small diner-- and his name was Carlos.

"Lunchtime!" Liz called, meaning it was time for her and Nanala to gave lunch.

Liz and Nanala ate in the back, and sometimes Nanala would eat out front with Danielle's, but Danielle usually ate in the front while working, so she didn't need a lunch time. Nanala walked to the back to grab her lunch, as she listened to Danielle continue to laugh. As Nanala opened the fridge, she pulled out her lunchbox. Her lunchbox was on the bigger side, since she was pregnant and needed to eat more than the others. When she opened her lunchbox, she narrowed her eyes when she looked at her food.

"Who ate one of my banana and cheese sushi?!" She exclaimed, causing the others to laugh at the name she gave her cut up bananas wrapped in cheese.

"Carlos did it," Markus called, causing Nanala to growl.

"Carlos!" She exclaimed, and the boy's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry! They dared me to try it!" He cried out,"Don't worry, I won't eat it again. It was good though," He said, and Nanala sighed.

She simply rolled her eyes and smirked, before beginning to eat her food.

"Does anyone have some chocolate pudding for my Cheetos?!" She called out, as she grabbed her bag of cheetos from the breakroom.

Nanala had only eaten her sandwich and bananas, leaving her other food in the lunchbox. She did want a little bit more food though, just not what she had brought.

"I have chocolate pudding in the fridge, Suzi made it," Markus said, mentioning his wife,"but I don't think it'd be good with Cheetos," He commented, causing the girl to scoff.

"It'll be amazing, I just know it," She retorted, happy to be fulfilling her cravings.

Markus went to the fridge and grabbed the pudding, before putting some into a small bowl. He handed the bowl to Nanala, and she placed one of her cheetos in the pudding. Pulling it out, she placed the chocolate pudding covered cheeto in her mouth and chewed it up. Markus gagged slightly at the combo, but everyone watched her for a moment. As soon as a happy sigh fell from her lips everyone laughed. Nanala had found another crazy craving that she would be eating like crazy for weeks...

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