Chapter Eighty One

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A year had passed, and Nanala was still slowly getting better. She still missed her family, but she didn't cry herself to sleep anymore, so that was definitely an improvement. Morgan would have a sleepover with Nanala at least once a week, as long as Nanala was home and not with Clint. Nanala still visited Clint often, and sometimes when she was with him, she would help him take out bad guys.

Last week, Nanala had left to meet up with Clint in Tokyo, but this time she had stayed with him longer than most other times. It didn't matter though, she always went back home, since Morgan told her that she'd miss her and count the days until she came home. It was one of the cutest and saddest moments Nanala had to see every time she left to see Clint. She couldn't decide not to go see Clint though, since she was the only one keeping him from going over the edge.

Anyhow, Tony had been talking to Steve, Natasha, and a new guy he had never met named Scott Lang—otherwise known as Ant-Man, when he seen Nanala aparate about fifty feet from the house. He smiled a bit, knowing the girl had come back again, and she wasn't hurt or distraught. He wasn't able to call out to her, by the time Morgan had come out to "save" him.

Nanala had seen Steve and Natasha from afar, and that made her stop in her tracks. She refused to move any closer, since she didn't know why they were at the house. She hadn't talked to them since she disappeared to find Clint five years ago. She knew she probably hurt them, and they were probably mad at her, but she wouldn't change her decision even if she could.

As Tony stood up holding Morgan, the little girl looked up and seen her aunt Nanala. She quickly wiggled from her father's grip, and was placed on the floor. Tony knew immediately that she had seen Nanala, which made a small smile come to his lips. He loved seeing the connection between Nanala and Morgan. It was like they were two peas in a pod; maybe even considered to be best friends.

"Aunt Nala!" Morgan yelled, as she took off running towards Nanala.

Steve and Natasha quickly turned in the direction Morgan was running, and their eyes widened when they seen Nanala. She looked the same, the only difference was she looked more tired and worn out. Obviously, she didn't look as sickly as she had before from a lack of food and water, but she still didn't look perfect like she had when her family was still alive.

Nanala carried Morgan towards the house, ignoring the tiredness in her body. She and Clint had worked late into the night taking down a few bad guys. She didn't get any rest afterward, since she had to leave to go back to America early the next morning. She often took a plane, since Tony was worried she would pass out from lack of energy because she used too much magic.

"Nanala, you've been here the whole time?" Natasha questioned, as Nanala stepped onto the front porch.

Nanala didn't answer though, not trusting her voice, so she simply looked down at her feet. Tony could tell she was upset and uncomfortable, so he took a step towards her. Before he could pull her away though, Steve stopped her by talking.

"Nala, you've got to talk some sense into Tony. You have to get him to understand that we might have a second chance. We could get them back; get Bucky and Henry back. All we need is Tony's help, and--" He began, but Nanala cut him off.

"I'm not listening to false hope, Steve. I'm finally getting better, and I'm not going to be dragged back down into that pit again." She snipped, making the blonde frown.

"Nala--" He began, but Tony cut him off.

"Alright, Cap," Tony murmured, before he stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Nanala and Morgan,"Go on inside, Pepper is cooking, she'd probably like your help. I've got this covered." He said, and Nanala nodded.

Tony kissed the two girls' heads, before they walked into the house. Nanala set Morgan down on the floor, before she went to the kitchen to help Pepper with the food. A couple of minutes later, Tony came into the house with a frown on his face.

"What was Steve talking about when he said we had a second chance?" Nanala asked, causing Tony to sigh.

"It doesn't matter, it's impossible to do. I don't want you getting your hopes up and getting hurt because it failed." Tony replied, and Nanala nodded.

"If we were given a second chance, you would let me know, right?" She asked, making Tony bite his lip.

"Of course, but I don't know if I would want you fighting Thanos again. I heard you were severely injured, and I know Clint wouldn't want you out in the fight either. Maybe if there was a second chance, I'd do it, but I'd want you to stay here with Pepper and Morgan. You could protect them for me, and in return, you'd be protecting yourself." He said, causing her to frown.

"Tony, I don't want to sit out on a fight, you know this--" She began, but Tony gave her a stern glare.

"I'm serious, Nala, you'd be staying out of it." He stated, making her simply nod.

She knew once Tony had his mind made up, there was no arguing with him. Besides, he kept saying if and she knew that meant there probably wasn't a chance in hell that they'd ever get a second chance. She could only wish, but obviously wishes could only get a person so far. Sadly, she was going to live without them, and she knew it. She was glad she had Tony, Pepper, Morgan, and Clint though, if she didn't, she would've fallen apart ages ago...

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