Molly and Arthur Weasley arrived a few hours later with their three boys, Bill, Charlie, and Percy. Nanala, James, Sirius, and Remus helped entertain the boys, especially Bill and Charlie, since they were the oldest. Percy was only two, so he wasn't too wild or adventurous. He mostly stayed at Nanala's side, and had her read him a few books. Nanala liked having the children around, even if she didn't know everything about children. The three red heads were adorable though, and she absolutely adored them.
Smelling the food cooking in the other room, Nanala felt her stomach churn once again. With a frown, Nanala placed Percy down on the couch next to her, before she shot up from the couch and ran to the bathroom. James took over taking care of Percy, as Nanala stayed in the bathroom throwing up once again. Molly had seen the girl run off, so she followed her and frowned when she heard the girl throwing up.
"Nanala, can I come in?" Molly asked, before she lightly pushed the door open.
Nanala looked up at Molly with a tired look on her face. Molly smiled at Nanala, holding out her hand to let the girl stand to her feet.
"Nanala, can I ask you something without you getting upset?" Molly asked, causing Nanala to frown.
"Sure," She answered, her voice raspy from throwing up.
"Are you pregnant?" She asked, causing Nanala's eyes to widen.
"What?! No!" Nanala shook her head, but Molly could see the frantic look in the girl's eyes.
"Nanala, I'm a mother. I've had three of my own, and I have two on the way. I know the signs almost like it's second nature. I think you're pregnant, love. I can do a test if you want. I know the spell," Molly commented, causing Nanala to sigh.
"Could you...?" Nanala trailed off,"They're going to be so disappointed if I am," She murmured, causing Molly to shake her head.
"No, they won't, but I can keep it a secret. You can tell them when you're ready," Molly replied, before waving her wand.
Molly said the spell, before the two girls waited for any signs. When Nanala and Molly seen purple sparks form from Nanala's lower belly, they both knew the answer. Nanala Malfoy was pregnant with James Potter's child.
"I will leave you be, just take your time. You don't have to tell them right away," Molly stated, before she left the bathroom and closed the door behind herself.
Nanala closed the toilet and sat down on it, with her head in her hands. She couldn't believe she was pregnant. That was not a part of the plan for her and James. Hell, her and James weren't even supposed to last passed a few weeks, a couple months at most. She needed to figure out a way to tell James, and that was only if she was even going to keep the baby. She was barely an adult, and she hadn't even graduated from Hogwarts yet. She knew she'd have to inform Madam Pomfrey of the pregnancy, since the woman would be overseeing the pregnancy for a few months. She just hoped the baby wouldn't cause her anymore problems in school than she knew she was already going to have for being disowned and named a blood traitor by her own family.
"You okay?" She heard, before she seen James poke his head into the bathroom.
"Yes, I'm just a little sick," She replied,"Will you tell your mum that I'm sick and I'm going to lay down for a bit?" She asked, causing James to nod.
"Do you need me to get you anything?" He asked, but the girl shook her head.
"No, just come get me when dinner is ready, if I'm not already up," She said, causing him to nod once again.
James opened the door completely for Nanala to leave the bathroom. When Nanala left the bathroom, James kissed her cheek. Nanala walked straight to her room and laid down on her bed, and she stayed stiff as a brick staring at the ceiling. Her mind was racing, and she really didn't know how to calm herself down. Being disowned was easy, being hated by her family and all Slytherins was easy, and it seemed even being tortured by her family was easy compared to this. She was so scared, she could barely even blink from the shock of the news.
"Where's Kitty?" Sirius asked, as James sat down with Percy once again.
"She's sick. Mum said we should leave her alone until dinner," James replied, causing the other two boys to frown.
"What's wrong with her?" Remus asked, and James shrugged.
"Don't know, I found her in the bathroom with her head in her hands. I'm guessing she got sick, but I don't know for sure," James said, causing Sirius to nod.
"She did the same thing this morning at breakfast. She didn't even finish eating her pancakes," Sirius commented, making Remus frown.
Remus was starting to piece things together, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. He figured she could probably just have a stomach bug and be better in a day or two, but he also wasn't too sure. He tried to put dates together, but he wasn't sure when her menstrual cycle was, so he couldn't do dates too well.
"She'll call if she needs us," James commented, seeing the worried look on Remus's face.
"Maybe it's anxiety, you know, since there's so many people here," Sirius voiced, but James simply shrugged.
James wasn't sure what was wrong with the girl, but he was worried. He cared for the girl, maybe even loved her, and he didn't want anything to be wrong with her. He hoped she would tell him what was wrong, but he knew she wanted some time to rest. He also wanted to talk to her about their relationship. He wanted to make it real; no longer a ruse to get Lily Evans. Lily wasn't his goal anymore, and he wanted Nanala to know all he wanted was her...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...