A few months had passed, and Nanala had started to accept the fact that she was going to be raising Henry alone-- other than with Danielle's help of course. Nanala had wished, at first, that James would've been able to help her raise Henry, but then she realized that James might not have even wanted Henry. He might've still ended up with Lily, even if Nanala was still in their universe. She might've still had to raise Henry alone, so she just slowly accepted that Henry would never know his father in person, or his uncles--not Lucius.
"I feel like we should have a vacation this week," Danielle commented, as she walked into the front area where Nanala was working.
"Really? Where were you thinking?" Nanala asked, causing Danielle to shrug.
"I guess we can go wherever you want. Maybe we can just travel to a different area of New York," Danielle replied, and Nanala nodded slightly.
"I like the idea of taking a trip to Florida for a week. I've heard quite a bit about that state, so maybe that would be a good choice. I have to go buy swimwear for Henry and I though," Nanala answered, causing Danielle to grin.
"That sounds perfect! I'll go put in our week of vacation right now!" She exclaimed, before running back into the back.
Nanala rolled her eyes with a playful smile, as she helped more customers. She planned to go shopping once work was over, especially since by then Henry will be awake and not cranky. She would also be buying dinner for herself and Danielle, and possibly for Henry, since he was already four months old.
"We will have all of next week off, and we'll need to be back on that following Monday," Danielle stated, a giddy pep in her step.
"I will order tickets tonight," Nanala replied, smiling to her friend.
Once their last hour had passed, Nanala and Danielle headed back to Nanala's place. Nanala carried Henry on her hip, since the girls had decided to walk to work for the day. Normally Danielle would drive them, but the weather had felt so nice, that the girls had decided it would be a nice day to walk to work.
"We should go shopping for clothes for the vacation," Nanala commented, as she fixed Henry a bottle of juice.
"I haven't saved up enough money to buy outfits, swimwear, and a hotel for the trip," Danielle replied, pouting slightly.
"It's fine, I have some money leftover from my Hogwarts days. Besides, I can pay for our clothes and swimwear," Nanala said, and Danielle smiled.
"You really are amazing, Nala, honestly," Danielle murmured, hugging her best friend.
Soon, the two girls were ready to go, so Nanala loaded herself and Henry into Danielle's car, before Danielle drove them to the mall that Nanala had chosen to shop at. Shopping had always been somewhat fun for Nanala, at least, when she was with friends, but when she wasn't she didn't have as much fun. Honestly, she somewhat hated shopping by herself, even if it was for clothes or things she needed.
"Two piece or one piece?" Danielle asked, as the two girls looked through swimwear.
"I don't know, I don't want to look bad in a two piece because I had a baby," Nanala replied, causing Danielle to frown.
"You could never look bad, Nala, you have the body of a god, my friend," Danielle said, and Nanala smiled.
"You really are an amazing friend, Dani. I don't know what I would so without you," Nanala murmured, grabbing a couple different choices for swimwear.
In the end, Nanala had decided on three different swimsuits. There was one black two piece with see-through black lace on the sides. There was one that was Slytherin green, it was a one piece and had open slits on the side. The last one was black and green, and it was a two piece; the bottom was all black, whilst the top was green with black stripes. Danielle had gotten three as well. One was a one piece, completely red with black roses spread around on it. One was a two piece and had a mermaid design to it. The last one was a one piece, and the colors were white and yellow.
Nanala bought Henry three different sets of swim trunks, which had sleeveless shirts that came with them. One actually had a cute sun hat and sandals that came with them as well, and Nanala thought the choices were perfect. After searching for swimwear, Nanala had decided to bring them for dinner. She had chosen a small place that served many different choices of food. She had ordered mashed potatoes for Henry, a steak and cheese sandwich for herself, and a cheeseburger for Danielle.
After dinner the two girls went to a few more stores to get outfits. They had picked shorts, shirts, singlets, sandals, sunglasses, and bathing suit covers. Nanala had also purchased new outfits for Henry for the trip as well.
"Do we need to get some snacks and drinks as well, for the trip?" Nanala asked, but Danielle shook her head.
"We can just buy stuff in Florida. Besides, I doubt you want to bring such things on the plane. You can get snacks for Henry though, since he'll probably get hungry on the plane," Danielle answered, and Nanala agreed.
The trip was going to be exciting, and Nanala hoped the trip would ease some of the stress she had been enduring for months. She wondered if she'd be able to tan, or if her pale skin was too pale to tan. If she was lucky, she'd really tan, and she hoped luck was on her side. There were many things Nanala wanted to see in Florida, since she had researched the place before, so she was rather excited. If it was as beautiful as the pictures, she would be in paradise. She just hoped the heat wouldn't cause her to pass out...
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I was going to post this chapter earlier, but I was distracted by Supernatural being on tv.
Love you guys!
Follow!- Youngblood Xxx

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...