Chapter Sixty Seven

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Nanala and Bucky had been together for three months now, and their relationship was working very well. When Nanala had told Clint and Laura about their relationship, they were happy for her. Well, Clint was a bit hesitant, and was determined to meet Bucky and warn him not to hurt his little girl, but other than that, Clint was happy for them. The other thing was that Clint hesitated about the relationship when he first heard, after remembering Bucky was the Winter Soldier, but Nanala promised Bucky was fixed, and he decided to trust her words.

Since their relationship had been going strong for three months, Nanala decided that it was time for her and Bucky to tell Henry the truth. Henry liked having Bucky around all the time, but he didn't know why Bucky was around. Yes, Bucky was around for dinner because Henry invited him, but he was also around a lot because he wanted to see his beautiful girlfriend.

Bucky had been having just a little less nightmares now that he had Nanala and Henry in his life. He'd think about them when he'd go to bed, and sometimes that would be just enough for him to stop having nightmares. It wasn't always easy to sleep after having nightmares, but knowing Nanala and Henry in the hut right next to his made him feel better, and he'd be able to sleep easier.

Nanala sometimes had nightmares as well, but most of hers were from her life in the wizarding world when she was still with her birth family. She only really had those dreams when she had a hard day though, so those dreams were far and in-between, which she was truly thankful for. If she had to deal with dreams like that too often, she'd go absolutely nuts.

"Nala, how do you want to tell him?" Bucky asked, as he helped her make dinner.

"We can tell him at dessert. We can make his favorite dessert, and he'll be happy when we go to tell him," Nanala replied, and Bucky nodded.

"Do you think he'll be mad at us, at me?" He asked, sounding vulnerable when he asked if Henry would be mad at him.

"No, he won't be mad. He'll probably be confused, or unsure, but I have a feeling he'll be happy to know that you're a part of our little family," She said, making him smile.

Bucky placed the plate full of grilled cheese and bowl of fries on the table, before Nanala set out plates and cups. She then placed a bowl full of homemade honey mustard for the fry dip. Laura had showed her how to make it months ago, and ever since she did, Nanala's been using it every time she made homemade fries. Bucky had been teasing her about calling fries chips, so she's been trying her hardest to only say fries.

"What's the dessert?" Bucky asked, not knowing what Henry's favorite dessert was yet.

"I made this only a couple of times, so he doesn't have it often, but it's his favorite," She commented,"It's chocolate cake, with chocolate pudding layered over it, then whipped cream. I leave it in the fridge for twenty minutes, then I crush up oreos to put on top. It's an oreo cake, but Clint likes to call it a dirt cake," Nanala explained, and Bucky nodded.

Nanala quickly put the cake in the oven, as Bucky went to get Henry for dinner. The three sat and ate, while the cake baked in the oven. When it was time for the cake to come out, Nanala excused herself. She pulled the cake from the oven, and used her magic to cool it faster. She then made the chocolate pudding and layered it on to the cake, then put whipped cream on top. She placed the cake in the fridge, before going back to the table to continue to eat with the boys.

"Go wash your hands, then come back. Bucky and I made you a special dessert," Nanala commented, and Henry grinned.

As Henry went to wash his hands, Nanala pulled the cake from the fridge and crushed up some oreos, before sprinkling them all over. Bucky placed the cake on the table, as Nanala put out new plates, forks, and a knife to cut the cake. She also picked up all the dirty dishes and brought them to the sink to wash later.

"Oreo cake!" Henry exclaimed, as he came into the kitchen.

Bucky quickly cut pieces and put them on plates, wanting Henry to be eating when he and Nanala talked to him.

"Henry, Bucky and I have something to tell you," Nanala commented, causing Henry to look over at her.

"What?" Henry asked, his mouth full of cake.

"You remember watching Cars, and Lightning McQueen got a girlfriend?" She asked, and the little boy nodded.

"Yes, but they not boyfriend and girlfriend too long," Henry answered, giggling slightly.

"Well, what if I told you Bucky and I are boyfriend and girlfriend?" She questioned, making him frown.

"He's not my friend anymore?" He asked, causing the two adults to quickly shake their heads.

"No, I'm still your friend. It's just two different kinds of friends. I think it'd be easier to understand if you think about Elsa's parents. They were together, and they still cared for her," Bucky said, making the little boy nod.

"You my new daddy?" Henry asked, causing the adults' eyes to widen.

"Not yet, but maybe in the future, if you really want him to be, he'd most likely agree," Nanala answered, and when Henry looked at him, Bucky nodded in agreement.

Henry simply smiled and went back to eating his cake, and the two adults sighed in relief. He somewhat understood, and he wasn't upset. He seemed kind of happy about it. It hurt Nanala's heart to hear Henry ask about having a father, but she knew if she and Bucky lasted, he would be the perfect father for little Henry...

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