Chapter Thirty Seven

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It had been a few months since Nanala had moved into the Avengers tower. She had been learning hand to hand combat with Natasha every so often, but the woman was busy with missions a lot of the time, so she couldn't always be around to help Nanala learn. When Natasha wasn't around though, Steve often helped Nanala with her training.

The problem with Nanala's training, was that when she became too agitated or angry, she would subconsciously start using her magic to help her win. More than once, she had knocked Steve or Natasha on their arse because of her wandless magic. Sometimes she couldn't help it, but she was slowly learning to control the magic. She kind of wished that Hogwarts had training like this, so she would've already known how to do everything.

Clint showed her how to use weapons, and she was best with a knife, but since she had magic, she didn't have to know much about using weapons. Clint figured it was best for her to somewhat known how to use them though, just in case she was unable to use her magic for some unknown reason. He doubted magic blocking cuffs would work, since she had a different type of magic than anyone in their universe, but he could never be too sure.

Over the months of Nanala living in the Avengers Tower, she became closest to Clint and Steve. Tony and Bruce had her help them in the lab when she wasn't busy, and Natasha really only hung around to help her train or other simple things like that. Ms. Potts was always busy, but when Nanala needed her, Ms. Potts would gladly watch over Henry for her. Clint and Steve were the two that purposely tried to hang out with her and get her out of her shell.

Steve became the guy best friend that she needed, and she learned easily the difference between best friend Steve and Captain America. When Steve was Captain America, he was very serious about everything, but when he was just Steve he was fun and somewhat of a joy to be around. She and Steve could bond over everything that was different from when they were younger. Steve loved hearing about her universe, as did Tony and Bruce—the science bros were more interested in the advancements they could make in their own research based on her information though.

Clint became almost like a father figure/best friend. Nanala really trusted Clint. He was funny, witty, and most of all caring and protective. Over the few months, he and Nanala had what most people would call a "father and daughter relationship." He loved her like she was his daughter, and vice versa, and he loved Henry as his family as well. Clint had been one of the only people Nanala told all of her secrets to, and he told her quite a bit as well.

Danielle and Nanala didn't really get to talk much, much to both of their disappointment, but when Nanala was given the chance, she and Henry would stop by to see Danielle, even if that meant Nanala had to bring Steve or Clint along with her.

Steve had informed her of his friend Bucky, and he told her what happened to him, and what he thought had happened. Nanala could sympathize with him though, since she had lost Remus. Technically, she lost him the day she ended up in New York, but reading the books made everything more real. Actually, she hadn't read the books since she sent the letter to Remus, and she sort of wondered if the letter changed any of the outcome in the story.

Clint knew about all of her friends as well, and he was enraged when he heard about everything that happened to Nanala in Malfoy Manor. He wished he could go to the other universe and kick of the Malfoys' asses. Obviously he couldn't, but he really wished that he could. Only a week after Nanala had told Clint about everything that happened to her, Henry accidentally called Clint, "Papa." At first, Nanala was worried and a little freaked out, but after Clint had simply laughed it off and hugged Henry, Nanala calmed down and seemed to love the relationship between the two. Clint was like the grandfather Nanala wished Henry would have.

After that day, Henry always seemed to call Clint his Papa, so the name seemed to stick. Tony really liked making jokes about the name, calling Clint old, but when Natasha had taught Henry to call Tony a "whiney baby," which came out as, "wiener baby," Tony stopped poking fun at Clint. Henry didn't try to say "whiney baby" again, but everyone seemed to call Tony a "wiener baby" for about a week.

Even though she wasn't able to be around often, Ms. Potts and Nanala were able to have a nice relationship. Ms. Potts became a good friend to Nanala after only a few weeks. When Ms. Potts wasn't busy, she would stop by to hang out with Nanala, and sometimes Tony. Ms. Potts lived at the tower with everyone, but she worked so often and travelled a lot, so it was almost like she simply visited the tower.

Tony was somewhat jealous of Nanala and Ms. Potts' friendship. Ms. Potts had caught him more than once pouting about it, especially when she would come to the tower with bags and bags of things for Henry, but only a bag of food or something for Tony. He soon got over it though, since he realized Ms. Potts was so happy with Nanala and Henry. Honestly, it was like Nanala was the little sister that stole his girlfriend's attention.

The Avengers became a family to Nanala and Henry. Steve was Nanala's best friend, Clint was Nanala's new dad, Tony was the arsehole older brother to Nanala, Bruce was the nerdy uncle Henry really liked, and Natasha was Nanala's badarse sister that was very protective. Nanala and Henry didn't know Thor too well, but she figured they'd know him better eventually. The love might not have been shown every day, but it was there...


A/N: I  hope you guys liked this chapter. So, it's been a hot minute since I've updated this story, and for that I am so sorry. I am back to updating on it though. I will have other stories like this one up for the other Avengers soon. Also, I know Hagrid wasn't a teacher during the Marauders Era, but before someone comes and bites my head off, I decided to change it up a bit where he was a teacher.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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