Chapter Four

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      Nanala wasn't too excited to be dressing as a cheerleader for Halloween, but she was going to dress up to make her friends happy. She and James matched more than her and the other boys, but that was all Sirius's idea. He had picked out their costumes, and he didn't let anyone argue. He almost bought himself a cheerleader uniform, only because he believed his ass would look good in the skirt. Luckily, everyone was able to talk him out of it before he embarrassed himself and his friends.

"Once you have your costume on, I will help you with the blood," Sirius said, and Nanala nodded.

      Nanala walked into the boys' bathroom and quickly changed into her costume. She couldn't deny that Sirius had done a good job at finding a costume that looked good on her, but she wasn't exactly ecstatic that her ass was barely covered with the skirt. After tying her hair in low pigtails, Nanala glanced at herself in the mirror once more then walked out.

"Damn, I did good," Sirius complimented, though it sounded like he complimented himself more.

"You look hot," James commented, causing Nanala to blush.

"This barely covers anything," Nanala voiced, as she sat down for Sirius to do his work.

"Even better. We can't have Prongs' girlfriend looking as average as everyone else," Sirius replied, and Nanala simply rolled her eyes.

"I'm just happy we went with black and white," Remus murmured, causing Nanala to nod in agreement.

        Once Sirius was done with her, James sat down next to get blood on his outfit. He was wearing black jeans, a white shirt, and a black and white Letterman's jacket. The other boys wore similar outfits, their Letterman jackets were only black though, unlike James's. After they were all ready, Sirius decided he, Remus, and Peter would go down to the common room for the party first, that way James and Nanala could go down and make an entrance of their own.

"Padfoot really seems to like parading our fake relationship," Nanala commented, causing James to nod.

"Pads always wanted this, and he's finally gotten what he wanted. He figured it was inevitable," James replied, confusing Nanala.

        Nanala didn't get time to question him though, since he decided it was time to go down to the common room. James intertwined their fingers, before he lead her down the stairs. Everyone in the common room seemed to turn to the couple, and many reactions were quite evident. Some were surprised by how amazing the couple looked, others were jealous of their looks, some were happy to see the couple together, and a select few were rather jealous.

"Evans isn't looking too happy," Sirius commented, as he looked over towards the redhead.

      James merely nodded at Sirius, causing the boy to feel surprised and confused. He wondered what was up with James, but when he seen the way James looked, he could tell something was changing in the boy. James seemed to like being around Nanala, and he also seemed to really enjoy their relationship--no matter how fake he swore it was. For some reason, he was starting to not want the relationship end, even if that was the idea in the beginning.

"I'm going to grab a drink, want anything?" Nanala asked, looking up at James.

"Sure, whatever you get is fine," He replied, before the girl turned and walked away.

       Sirius smirked to himself when he seen James looking at Nanala's ass as she walked away. He was determined to end James's obsession with Lily, and possibly even get two of his favorite people together. He was playing the brother role for James fairly well, if he did say so himself.

       When Nanala got to the table to get drinks, she was met by Lily Evans. Nanala tried to ignore the girl, but it didn't last very long. Lily stood in front of her with her arms crossed and a light smile on her face, though Nanala was sure the smile was fairly forced.

"Oh, hey Lily," Nanala said, forcing a smile as well.

"So, I see you and Potter are together; matching costumes and everything," Lily commented, and Nanala nodded.

"The matching costumes was James's idea. I was fine with anything really, as long as we weren't dressed as rockstars or animals again this year," Nanala replied, lying slightly, since the matching costumes was Sirius's idea.

"Well, you look hot, I will admit that," Lily said, causing Nanala to smile,"It's just--I never pictured you and Potter together. I always thought you'd be with Remus, maybe even Black to get back at your family. What made you choose Potter?" She asked, and Nanala sighed.

"I'm not sure," Nanala began, shrugging slightly,"James and I had been friends for a long time, and I guess, it just sort of happened. I mean, I've kind of had a thing for him since fifth year, so I guess he finally started having a thing for me as well," Nanala answered, completely unsure of how to talk to Lily about the relationship.

"He seems really sweet, and I see him always so caring and compassionate with you. I-I'm glad he's changed for the better, even if it took you to change him," Lily commented, smiling again, though Nanala swore her smile was sad.

"I need to get back to James, otherwise he'll come looking for me and think I drank his drink," Nanala replied, and Lily nodded.

       With a quickness, Nanala walked away from Lily and headed towards James. Nanala wasn't going to tell James what Lily said, at least, not yet. Nanala wanted to be happy for a bit long, even if that sounded rather selfish. If she was going to be helping James, she at least wanted to get something out of it. Happiness for a bit longer shouldn't be too much to ask, at least, she hoped it wasn't. She hoped James wouldn't hate her for waiting to tell him, even if it was her fault that he didn't know the information for a while...

 She hoped James wouldn't hate her for waiting to tell him, even if it was her fault that he didn't know the information for a while

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(This is what I picture the costume would look like, but add blood to it to make it zombified)

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