Chapter Eighty Four

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Nanala had been released from the hospital three weeks ago. She was now completely healed, and the healing process had went surprisingly well, even with Nanala refusing to sit down and relax for long amounts of time. She constantly wanted to be up and doing stuff with Morgan and Henry, whom happened to be close in age—thanks to the blip.

Anyway, when Nanala spent her time between two homes. Sometimes she was living with Tony, other times she was living with Clint. Bucky was accepted into both homes almost instantly, especially after they had realized just how much Bucky truly did love the girl and her son. Henry and Bucky traveled with her, since both the Bartons and the Starks wanted time with the small family.

After getting out of the hospital, Nanala set up a memorial service for Natasha. Natasha had lost her life for the soul stone, and Nanala wanted to make sure the woman was remembered for her sacrifice, as well as everything she did for the world. She was a hero, just like everyone else who had fought, and she was to be remembered just as much as the rest.

The first week after Nanala had gotten out of the hospital, Bucky had asked Clint and Tony for their blessing to marry Nanala. Once they both gave him their blessing, Sam took him to buy a ring with the money Tony had given him. The next night, Pepper and Laura worked together to make a nice dinner, before Bucky asked Nanala to marry him in front of their family. She, of course, said yes, and now they were officially engaged.

After saying goodbye to Nanala while she was in the hospital, Steve went back in time to place the stones back where they were supposed to be. Once the stones were in place, he decided to stay back in his own time with Peggy. Nanala didn't completely understand his decision, considering he had fought so hard to save his best friend, only to leave him behind for a girl. She simply did not understand, but she was going to help Bucky through the loss as much as she could.

Steve hadn't exactly died, but he came back old and wasn't the same as he was before. He had given his shield to Sam, in hopes that he'd accept it and become the next Captain America. Nanala thought it was a sweet gesture, even though she had originally thought Steve would've kept it and let the legacy die with him.

Anyhow, since Nanala had saved Tony's life, Tony was able to put more time in with helping Peter become a good superhero. Peter visited often, mostly on weekends, but he was a very smart and sweet kid. Nanala wasn't surprised at all that the kid wanted to continue being a super hero after the battle with Thanos, since he had such a caring heart.

Nanala helped Peter a bit, teaching him how to block her magic. She didn't use any kind of crazy spells, but she did use a few that could stun him or slow his reaction rate. He thought her magic was pretty cool, considering everyone else didn't have magic like her. Well, Dr. Strange and Wanda kind of did, but Nanala's was still different from theirs.

Nanala and Bucky would eventually find their own home to move into with their son, and other kids in the future—if they had any. They wanted to stay with their family as long as possible though, at least until Henry was a little older and needed more room for himself. Tony was more than happy to build on to the home for the three, but Nanala didn't want to make him do that, and eventually they'd have to move out on their own anyway.

Even though five years had passed during the blip, Henry didn't seemed to phased by it. He had to learn some new things that happened while he was away, as did Bucky, but they learned to catch up easily. There weren't too many problems, which Nanala was really thankful for. Nanala had been worried that they would have difficulty getting use to the change of time, but then Nanala realized that Bucky had to do the same thing when he escaped HYDRA and began to reconnect with the real world.

Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel were still the same head-strong children they were before, and Laura was still as lovely as ever. Clint and Nanala truly did miss their family, and to have them back felt amazing. The Barton family had actually visited Nanala while she was in the hospital, since the kids really didn't want to miss any time with Nanala. Nanala cherished the moments she got with the kids while in the hospital, and she promised herself to never take time for granted.

Family was everything to her, and she planned to be around them as much as she could. She planned to marry Bucky. She planned to raise Henry. She planned to have family time a lot, and she planned to make time for everyone.

Another thing though, was that she pretty much retired from the super hero life. Unless Peter needed her help real bad, or something catastrophic happened again, she didn't plan to go out and be a super hero anymore. Being a super hero took time away from her family. Besides, after all she and Clint had done, she doubted she really needed to be a super hero anymore.

Her life was finally back on track, and she was finally happy again. She wasn't worried about going back in time to her world to be with her friends or the boy that simply wasn't hers. She wasn't worried about the Dark Lord or about her own family trying to kill her. She was able to relax, live, and be the happy little family she always wanted. In a way, if it wasn't for the spell that hit her and sent her to this universe, she would've never found her happiness and her new family...

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