Chapter Twenty Eight

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When Danielle had arrived back at the flat, she practically pounced on Nanala. The girl had been afraid that her best friend and her nephew had been hurt during the attack on New York. She knew that Nanala wasn't very trusting of everyone, so she knew Nanala wouldn't be able to trust anyone if they had come to help her while things were happening.

"I'm so happy that you're safe," Danielle gushed, as she held her friend close.

"I was worried about you, actually, since I wasn't sure where the most damage was being made," Nanala replied, deciding to skip the part where she met the Avengers.

Honestly, Nanala didn't know exactly how she felt about the team of do-gooders yet. Sure they had saved New York, and probably the rest of the world, but they caused a lot of damage to the city. Also, Nanala really didn't feel like "superheroes" were supposed to show their faces and let everyone know who they were. In theory, if someone knew the hero's identity, the person could purposely target them at any time, and it could put their family in danger as well.

Nanala also didn't think it was too safe or wise that the team of superheroes had showed up at her doorstep. She felt like they could easily put a target on her and her son's back, but seeing as they didn't know her too well, they could've easily put themselves in danger going to meet her. Yes, she seemed harmless when Thor and Captain America met her at first, but she could've easily been a villain if she wanted. Hell, her family was a bunch of villains, so she could've followed in their footsteps.

With that being said, she wondered how much Tony actually knew about the Harry Potter book series. If he had read the books, he would've known about the Malfoy family, and how it seemed each one of them followed the Dark Lord, but if he didn't read the stories, he could've easily picked up some of the story plot and terms from people who have read the series.

Nanala hoped none of the Avengers had read the series. If they did, they would assume the worst out of her and her son. She didn't want her son to be put in danger because of her family name. One way or another, she'd have to prove that she wasn't a bad guy like her family. Hell, she didn't really think her nephew, Draco, was a bad guy, he was just coaxed into everything. If she had been around, he would've never had the same ideology as the pure blood supremacists, and he wouldn't have become a part of the Death Eaters. When her brother started pushing all of that on him, she would've taken Draco away from them, and he never would've had to deal with their shit ever again.

"There's left over shawarma in the refrigerator," Nanala told Danielle, causing Danielle to look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"When did you get shawarma? When did you even try that place?" She asked, and Nanala simply shrugged.

"It was recommended to me the other day, and I decided to try it today after everything outside calmed down," Nanala replied, watching as Danielle nodded; seeming to buy her lie.

Danielle pulled the leftovers out and heated them up, as Nanala poured herself a glass of milk.

"I'm rather tired tonight, so I'm going to head to bed. Do you need me for anything before I go?" Nanala asked, drinking half the glass in one go.

"No, I'm good. I figured you and Henry would be tired, after everything that went on in the city. You two probably stressed out like crazy, so I don't blame either of you for being tired," Danielle replied, and Nanala smiled.

"Thank you, Dani. I'll see you in the morning," Nanala murmured, causing Danielle to nod and smile back.

Nanala quickly finished her glass of milk and washed the cup, before she walked off to her room. She slipped off her day clothes and set them in the hamper, before grabbing a set of pajamas. She slipped on her pajama shorts and a singlet, then walked over to her bed and crawled into it and under the covers. She was exhausted, and being stressed out by the Avengers didn't help that at all.

If she could've chosen, she wouldn't have went with the Avengers to get shwarma. Honestly, she knew they weren't going to take "no" for an answer, so even if she said she wasn't hungry, they would've dragged her and Henry along with them anyway. She understood that they wanted to keep the world safe, but Nanala wasn't a threat, so she didn't need to be watched by "big brother."

She wasn't very fond of all of the Avengers. They weren't the nicest of people, unlike what the world seemed to think, but Nanala believed it was because they were putting on a facade. Nanala tried to look and seem as mean as possible to survive back in the Wizarding World, so she somewhat understood why some of the Avengers seemed to do so as well. She didn't see why they did though, since there was way more of them than of her. They could've easily overpowered her if they wanted to, especially the ones with powers or super suits.

Nanala honestly didn't want to get to know the Avengers. She almost wished they had never even met her, but if they hadn't, she probably would've been snuck up on by one of the things trying to invade New York. Hell, she doubted she would've stayed hidden from the Avengers forever, considering someone would eventually see something or question her for some reason, and she'd be put on the Avengers' radar, but it would've most likely been as a threat. She just hoped they didn't see her as a threat. If they did, she was willing to do anything for herself and Henry to survive...

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