Nanala sat on the jet between Natasha and Thor, but once they had arrived at their location, Nanala was told to stay in the shadows. She was close to Natasha and Clint, since Clint wanted her to stay close by him.
"Don't compare me with Stark!" Nanala heard Ultron exclaim,"He's a sickness."
"Aww, Junior," Tony began, as he finally showed himself,"you're gonna break your old man's heart," He said, as Thor and Steve came up beside him.
"If I have to," Nanala heard, as she walked behind Clint, hidden from Ultron.
"Nobody has to break anything," Thor commented, watching Ultron closely.
"Clearly, you've never made an omelet," Ultron retorted, causing Nanala to roll her eyes.
"He beat me by one second," Tony murmured, and Nanala silently snorted.
"This is funny, Mr. Stark," Started the boy, as he paced forward,"like old times?"
"This was never my life," Tony replied, denying the boys' accusations.
"You two can still walk away from this," Steve commented, being very leader-like.
"We will," The girl replied, nodding to herself.
"I know you've suffered--" Steve started, but was cut off by Ultron.
"Captain America, God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but--" Ultron rambled, before Thor was heard.
"If you believe in peace, than let us keep it," He said, staring straight at Ultron.
"I think you're confusing peace with quiet," Ultron commented, taking a step forward.
"What's the vibranium for?" Tony asked, cutting off the mindless chatter.
"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan," Ultron said, before Tony was yanked forward.
When Tony was thrown into the wall, Nanala stared at him with wide eyes. She hadn't expected Ultron to be so strong. She could hear the two hitting each other, but she didn't step out of the shadows to see what was actually going on. She just knew they were fighting, and she didn't want to get in the middle of it.
After a few moments, agents began to come out. Natasha and Clint began to physically fight the agents, whilst Nanala muttered spells and hexes to turn them away from her and her team. Clint stepped out of the shadows and began to shoot agents down with his arrows.
Nanala watched as Steve went flying backwards, causing her to step out a bit and raise her hand to try and catch him with a charm. She didn't see the blue running towards her, until she was hit and knocked over the rails. A scream was heard, as she fell from over the rails and landed on the ground below her.
She watched Steve get back up instantly, before he took down the guy that had rammed them both.
"Stay down, kid," She heard him say, causing her to look over.
From the fall, she had hit her head rather hard, so she couldn't see straight. She couldn't see the person's face, but she could see that the person was a boy, and he was dressed in blue and had white hair. The boy stood up soon after, walking past her slowly. He glanced down at her, but he didn't stay long enough for her to catch his face. When he did see her though, he thought she was pretty, but he didn't let those thoughts last longer than a second.
When she heard Steve groan after hitting something near her, she slowly tried to pull herself up. Her body felt like a ton of bricks, as she pulled herself up and limped forward. Glancing down, she could see that her knee was swollen, which meant she had to have damaged it in the fall. Her head was still fuzzy, and when she felt the back of it, she could feel something in her hair. She pulled her hand from her head and gasped; there was blood on her fingers. Her head had been busted open, at least a little bit, and she was losing blood.
Nanala could hear an explosion from Clint's arrow, as she slowly went to Steve. By the time she got to Steve, her knee was aching like hell. She fell down to her other knee, crying out slightly when her hurt knee hit the ground. Her cry had shaken Steve from his mind though, and caused him to jump into action.
"Oh god," He murmured,"How bad are you hurt? Did she mess with your mind?" He asked, crouching down in front of Nanala.
"She wasn't in my mind, my magic can keep her out," Nanala replied, before trying to pull herself up again.
When she couldn't do it, she let out a cry of frustration.
"What hurts?" Steve asked, hoping to save her from the pain.
"My knee, I hurt it. The boy, he was so fast. I didn't see him. He pushed me over the rails. I hit the ground and I must've hurt my knee, and my head is bleeding. I-I think I have a concussion," Nanala answered, though her words were a little slurred.
"C'mon," Steve began, carefully picking the girl up,"we've got to get you to the jet. Clint and I will help Thor and Nat, and Tony has Bruce," He said, and she slightly nodded.
By the time Steve got her back to the jet, she was nodding in and out of conciousness.
"You need to stay awake, Nala. You know what could happen if you don't," Steve ordered, before he slowly left the jet.
It was difficult, but Nanala continued to force her eyes to stay open. She felt exhausted, and she was hurting like hell, but there wasn't anything she could do. She was lucky her wand was safely in her pocket, otherwise she would've lost it in the fall. This was the first fight she had participated in that she was really hurt, and not just from a couple scrapes and bruises. She knew Clint was going to chew her a new one from it...
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry for making you guys wait all day for updates. I was really wrapped up in a crossover book between the Harry Potter series and the X-Men. Anyway, I'm here to post the last six chapters of part four!
Love you guys!
Follow!- Youngblood Xxx

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...