She was hurt, but she couldn't heal herself. She was fighting alongside the others, but they weren't making much of a dent. Her arm was bleeding profusely, but all she could do was wrap the cloth Natasha gave her around the wound. She didn't have long enough to sit and try to stop the bleeding or heal herself. Her legs felt numb from all the running, jumping, landing, and kicking she had been doing. Even as a witch, she had to fight like a muggle, it was sometimes the only way to defeat one of the aliens.
As soon as she had just killed one, another jumped on her back, knocking her on to the ground. She groaned, but she didn't have a second to spare. She had to push on the monster to try and get it off, at least enough room to stab it with an arrow, or finally think of a spell to send it flying. Her mind was everywhere, so it wasn't completely easy for her to remember all the spells, hexes, and jinxs she needed to fight.
The monster was just about to chomp into her shoulder, when she felt it being knocked off of her. Quickly, she pulled herself up of the ground, and muttered the spell to set the monster on fire. Once the monster was taken care of, she turned around and seen Steve fighting off two more. She muttered another spell, sending the monsters away from Steve. When he turned around, Nanala grinned and hugged him quickly.
"When you save my arse, I've got to save yours." She said, causing him to chuckle.
Moments later, a lot of lightening lit up the ground, before Thor landed looking pissed off. She could tell that the man was in pain, more emotionally and mentally than physically. He had been hurt by Thanos, and he planned to make the giant purple guy pay.
Not long after Thor came, it seemed Thanos had come as well. Steve and Nanala ran to aid Vision, but Nanala had a feeling they were fighting a losing battle. The moment she seen Thanos, her heart dropped and she felt immensely scared. What could she possibly do to defeat Thanos? She was just a small witch, and he was a huge, powerful alien. Mustering up a little courage, the girl started muttering spells, hexes, jinxs, and whatever else she thought could help.
Thanos seemed to know who was hurting him though, since he quickly grabbed her by the neck. His giant hand squeezed her throat, and slowly the air was seeping out. She couldn't breath, and she was becoming very lightheaded. Soon she would pass out, and she knew Thanos would make sure she never woke up again.
Before he could kill her though, he was knocked back a bit by Wanda. Thanos quickly threw Nanala to the side, and she hit her head very hard against a tree. She was seeing double, and there were spots in her vision. She had to lay on the ground near the tree to try and catch her breath, otherwise she wouldn't make it out alive.
Nanala watched from her spot on the ground, as Wanda fought with Thanos. She watched as Thanos grew weaker because of the woman, but everything changed in the blink of an eye. He had thrown Wanda away, and had gtapped Vision. Thanos forced the stone from Vision's head, killing him almost immediately. Nanala watched in horror as Thanos placed the stone on his gauntlet, before power coursed through him.
Quickly, Nanala muttered a curse, but she wasn't quick enough. Thor had come and tried to take out Thanos, but since he didn't cut off the monster's head, he didn't kill him. Nanala's curse didn't do much damage, since Thanos had felt pain from the gauntlet. In seconds, Thanos snapped his fingers and changed the world.
"Where is he? Where's Thanos?" Steve asked, as he approached Thor.
Nanala used the tree she was near to pull herself up off of the ground. She limped over to Steve's side, as she tried to clear her vision.
"Steve? Nala?" The two heard, before they looked over at Bucky.
Nanala watched in front of her eyes, as Bucky slowly turned to dust.
"Bucky!" She exclaimed, running over to the pile of ashes.
The only thing left in that pile was his dogtags, which made no sense, but she picked them up and put them around her neck. Her head rested in her hands, as she tried to keep from crying.
"Nanala?" Steve called, causing her to look up.
"He's gone." She mumbled, and he nodded.
"So are half of the kids." He said, his voice low.
"Wha—how do you know?" She asked, quickly standing.
"I just heard--" He began, before she cut him off.
"Henry?" She asked, her voice cracking.
"I-I'm sorry." Steve answered, watching as Nanala's face distorted into complete brokenness.
A gut wrenching sob left her lips, as tears immediately began to follow. Her legs wobbled, and Steve rushed over to her. He was barely able to catch her before she could hit the ground. She was broken.
"They're gone! They're gone!" She kept wailing, as Steve tried to comfort her.
"C'mon, Nala, we have to get back to the Tower, see if we can find Thanos." Steve muttered, pulling her up from the ground.
"I-I need to get something first." She replied, before she steadied herself and bolted away.
She ran through the grass as fast as her legs would carry her, and Steve wasn't far behind. The moment he seen her destroyed hut, he felt even worse. Nanala slowly approached it, searching through the rubble for something. When he seen her pull out a small, dirty black plush puppy, his heart shattered. He watched as she clutched the toy to her chest, as she cried and cried. She had failed, and in that failure, she lost everything. Steve knew he had failed as well. He failed to protect his best friend and the two people that meant the most to him...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...