Two years had passed, and no one had heard from Nanala or Clint. Natasha and Steve had searched for them, but they could never find their exact location. Steve felt horrible when he realized he had lost his best friend's girl, one he promised he'd protect if anything happened to his best friend. Natasha and Steve knew that she and Clint were in Mexico. The two were slowly taking out the Mexican cartel.
Tony and Pepper had been searching for the blonde witch as well. The couple were really worried about the girl, and they knew over time she would spiral if she didn't have any support. Tony eventually figured out where the girl was though, when he heard of a rise in deaths in Mexico. Many of the Mexican cartel had been found dead, and some of them were assumed to have had a heart attack, since there was no physical injuries.
Tony knew then that the witch had used her wand to kill them men. He didn't know her reasoning, but he knew that she was doing what she thought was right. He wasn't going to shun her for it, since she had been through way too much to be doing everything by the book anymore.
Anyhow, Tony and Pepper had named Nanala as Morgan's godmother. Morgan, their daughter, was barely a year old, but the couple loved her more than anything in the world. The two wished Nanala had come to live with them. One, she would know how to handle a small child, but two, she'd maybe be able to start accepting everything as she helped raise Morgan.
After more bodies had been found, Pepper had decided that Nanala had been gone for too long. She wanted the girl to come back and stop being a vigilante. Tony knew the girl had to be with Clint, and he knew Clint would watch over her—since she was practically Clint's daughter, but Tony had decided to agree with his wife. So, after feeling like he pinpointed Nanala's exact location, he flew all the way to Mexico to find her.
He had stored away his suit, wore somewhat normal clothes; including a zip up hoodie, a pair of dark sunglasses, and a hat on his head to try and hide his identity. He didn't want anyone recognizing him, because if they did, he would be found out. He knew Clint and Nanala would definitely hide if they heard that he was around. He had to lay low, otherwise he'd never find the girl he was looking for.
Nanala had been the first one to see Tony, from where she was perched on top of a building. She looked down at him with a glare, before she aparated away to find Clint. Clint was scoping out a meeting area where a few cartel members were said to be meeting later. He was looking for the perfect hiding place, where he and Nanala could jump out and kill them all.
He heard the familiar pop from Nanala's aparation, so he turned around quickly to face the girl. He could tell from the look in her eyes that something wasn't right.
"What's wrong?" He asked, glancing around the area to see if anything or anyone had followed her somehow.
"Tony, he's onto us. He's in Mexico, and I'm not sure who he's looking for. I don't know if he knows we're both here, or if he's only after one of us." She said, making the older man sigh.
"Knowing Stark, he already knows we're both here, but I don't know if he's out for both of us," He answered,"Lay low for a while, keep him off your tail. I'll try to lead him away. Maybe if I lead him away, he'll go back home." He commented, and the girl nodded.
Nanala took a deep breath in to calm herself, before she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Clint. Clint's body stiffened for a second, before he wrapped his arms around the girl. After a moment or two, he let go of her and kissed the side of her head.
"Stay safe." He said, and she nodded.
"You too." She replied, making him nod as well.
The two signed "I love you," before Nanala aparated away. She went straight to their hideout, hoping Tony wouldn't find her. She was worried that Tony was after them because of the Accords. She couldn't help but think that Tony was going to take her and Clint back to America to lock them up for disobeying the government.
She worried for hours, as she waited for Clint to come back to the hideout. If he didn't come back, she would believe that Tony had gotten him. Clint was too smart, fast, and strong for any of the cartel to get him, but she knew Tony's suit could potentially take down Clint in seconds if he really tried. She knew Clint would never tell Tony where she was though, which could cause the man even more punishment, but that was just how he was.
Clint was very protective of his children, even if they weren't blood related to him. He would protect Nanala until his dying breath, since she was the only child he had left. All of his others had disappeared in front of his eyes, and there was absolutely nothing he could do. He could control this though, meaning he could keep her from Tony if he tried hard enough.
He didn't know that Tony was only in Mexico to bring Nanala back to America to live with him. He didn't know that Tony was trying to save the girl's conscience, something that would definitely eat at her later in life. He knew once she got older, she would hate herself for killing so many people, even if they were bad guys. Clint may have believed he and Nanala were doing something good, and would be doing it for the rest of their lives, but Tony believed differently, and he wanted to save Nanala before it was too late...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...