Chapter Twenty Four

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As soon as Danielle got back from work, Nanala stopped her in the kitchen. Nanala had been making dinner when Danielle had arrived back to their place.

"I thought Iron Man and Captain America were just comic book characters, like they were in my world. I guess not, considering they just grabbed Loki, another person I thought was very much fictional," Nanala ranted, causing Danielle to laugh.

"They're not. Tony Stark actually has a huge tower here, I'm surprised you haven't seen it. I mean, considering it's a giant tower with Stark on the front of it. How could you have missed it?" Danielle replied, shaking her head at Nanala.

"Considering the fact that I thought it was all fictional, I never went looking for a giant Stark tower. Besides, I've never even heard anyone say Tony Stark, or Iron Man, in a sentence before. Well, there was a few little kids, but kids like comic books, and that's what I thought they were talking about," She answered, making Danielle roll her eyes.

"Didn't you tell Remus that Iron Man was real?" Danielle asked, and Nanala nodded.

"Yes, but that was because I heard some lady say that she couldn't wait to see Iron Man, and I thought that maybe she was talking about a guy in a suit. I mean, yes, I told him Iron Man was real, but I never actually looked into it to see if I was telling him the truth or not!" She exclaimed, shaking her head.

"Oh, Nala, you are one weird cookie," Danielle murmured,"I can teach you about this stuff as much as you want, but considering you look a little flustered, and maybe a bit freaked out, I think our lesson should wait a few days," Danielle commented, and Nanala simply puffed out her cheeks for a moment.

Nanala didn't know much about Iron Man, Captain America, or any other superhero for that matter, since she hadn't read the comics the boys had. She thought comics were more pictures than words, so she never really considered reading them before. Now she wished she had, so she could see if the comics were right, and she could at least know a little bit about the superheros she seen on the television. She had read about Loki and Thor while in Hogwarts, so she knew about them, she just didn't know they were real in this universe.

Honestly, Nanala wanted to meet the two gods to ask them questions. She had quite a few from the things she read, but she was also afraid that they'd realize she was from an entirely different universe. If they knew she was from a different universe, they might try to get her into to trouble, or might even try to harm her, which was not good for her or for Henry.

"What's for dinner?" Danielle asked, grabbing a soda from the refrigerator.

"Quesadillas; I seen the recipe online earlier this week, and I've been wanting to try them ever since," Nanala replied, smiling over to her friend.

"Would you like me to take Henry so you can finish cooking?" Danielle asked, and Nanala nodded.

"Please, if he'll let you take him," She answered, causing her friend to laugh slightly.

With a bit of coaxing, Henry had let go of Nanala, and allowed Danielle to hold him. He only agreed because she promised him chocolate pudding after dinner. She'd have to make some of course, but she was fine with it, since she'd do absolutely anything to make Henry happy. She also knew sick Henry wasn't easy to make happy, so she was going to try her hardest to make him happy while he was sick.

"His hair is slightly grey again," Danielle commented, causing Nanala to frown.

"He's tired," She replied,"He hasn't been able to control his abilities very well, since he's been sick. I had a hard time keeping them calm when he was at the doctor," Nanala added, making Danielle nod.

"Sickness makes you tired, so I'm guessing it makes him extra tired," She said, as she soothed his curly hair.

"He's having fruit for dinner, if you want to go ahead and feed him. It's just bananas and grapes. He doesn't like the oranges, and I'm out of strawberries," Nanala stated, causing Danielle to nod again. 

Danielle quickly cut up small pieces of fruit, before she placed Henry in his high chair. Once he was safely in the seat, she set some fruit in front of him.

"While he's eating, I'm going to make pudding," Danielle commented, and Nanala smiled.

"He'll be very happy about that. You might even see his hair turn yellow," She replied, causing Danielle to laugh lightly.

They still hadn't figured out all of the colors yet, but Danielle had researched colors and moods, so she figured those were pretty accurate. So far they were, but Nanala and Danielle could never be completely sure. Nanala knew metamorphagus wizards and witches could change their appearance, so she couldn't help but laugh every time Henry scared Danielle by changing his features to look like her.

"You can give him a few pieces of cereal, but he might not want it because it's dry," Nanala commented, and Danielle shrugged.

"I want him to save room for pudding," She replied, making Nanala roll her eyes.

Danielle was quite the character, and Nanala couldn't help but love her like a sister. That girl had been one of the only reasons Nanala had actually made it in the new universe. If it wasn't for Danielle, Nanala doubted she'd ever be able to deal with all the different things in the world. At first, Danielle had believed Nanala didn't know all these things because she had amnesia, but once she found out her secret, she understood completely. The two were best of friends, and they believed they'd stay that way forever. Honestly, they were almost inseparable, especially with Henry thrown into the mix. Nothing could ever make them think otherwise...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. End of part two! Also, should Danielle find happiness with one of the Avengers, or should I make a random OC for her??

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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