Chapter Thirty Three

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"Oh, don't get quiet on my account," Fury commented, causing Nanala to roll her eyes.

"We were just talking about creatures in her world," Steve said, making Fury frown deeper.

"Her world? So, we have another case of aliens landing on our planet?" He asked, but everyone shook their heads.

"No! She's from our world, just a different time and universe," Bruce replied, making Fury roll his eyes.

"Now we have someone who jumps universes, great, another Loki," He retorted, and Nanala finally had enough.

"I did not jump universes or time purposely. I was thrown into this universe by a backstabbing professor who believed getting rid of me, and letting a child be born, and for his parents to die; just so the professor could have all this power, and swear he saved the Wizarding World. Honestly, if I could, I would go back. At least there people didn't judge me based on my power, they only judged based on my blood status, beliefs, and family. Your universe sucks, and it's full of shitty people. I knew my universe had some real problems, including the ones I missed, but at least I didn't pretend to be king when I was really just a child who had a tantrum every time I didn't get my way," Nanala spat, causing everyone to stare at her with wide eyes.

Well, if anyone knew her family, they'd think she really pulled out a Malfoy card at that moment. Honestly, she really showed her Slytherin attitude and Gryffindor bravery, and she almost wished Remus and Sirius were there to see just how well she stuck up for herself. She normally didnt, or when she did it wasn't as big, but this time it was huge.

"I really like her," Tony whispered to Bruce, causing the other man to give him a disapproving look.

"Do you know who I am?" Fury asked, looking at Nanala.

"You're Director Fury, I've heard about you," She replied,"Believe me, Director Fury, if you try anything to hurt me or my son, I will ruin your entire life," She added, crossing her arms.

"You don't have the authority to be giving the threats around here," Fury spat, causing Nanala to sigh.

"Maybe not, but if you've ever met a mother, you know just how far she'll go to protect her child. I'm not threatening you, Fury, I'm just forewarning you with what could happen if you touch me or my son," She replied, staring at him without an ounce of fright or worry.

"Now, I--" Fury began, before Steve cut him off.

"Fury, everything that she's told us has been the truth. Believe it or not, I have read the books of the world she lived in before. I also plan to read the books she brought today to learn more about her world. She is strong, and she could defend herself and anyone else," Steve said, and Fury crossed his arms.

"Anyone else?" Fury asked, looking around the room.

"I think she'd be a great asset to the team. Maybe she could give insight on some of our medicine and medical procedures, and she could possibly have better way to handle things," Bruce commented, and Tony nodded in agreement.

"I feel like her magic could help with some of our equipment and gear. If she and I could work together, we could make some pretty awesome gear for the team," Tony added, smirking at Nanala.

"Her magic, especially wandless, could help during missions. She would be able to injure or capture anyone we needed," Clint commented, hoping to help Nanala out a bit.

"I hate to say it, but I have a feeling having her on the team would get our mission success rate up. She may even have an easier time interrogating people. Hell, if she's good at hand to hand combat, she'll be perfect," Natasha said, and Nanala bit her lip.

"I-uh I'm not great at hand to hand combat. It was frowned upon in Hogwarts, so I never learned it," Nanala murmured, causing Natasha to shrug.

"I can teach her, besides, it'll be nice to have a silent attacker on the team. Using her wandless magic, she could attack someone, and nobody else would be alerted. We don't even have to teach her how to use weapons," She told Fury, and Fury sighed.

"Fine!" He exclaimed,"Fine, she can stay," He added, frowning to himself.

Nanala sighed in relief to herself. She was glad she wasn't being interrogated by the team anymore, especially someone as much of an asshole as Fury. Honestly, she wished she could give Fury a swift punch in the face, but she didn't want to get in trouble. She had just gotten away from being thrown into a cell with her son, so she didn't want to mess that up for them the first chance she got.

"Congratulations, you're now an Avenger," Fury said, turning to face Nanala,"You do anything to really jeopardize the team, or you kill anyone, and your ass and your little boy will be living in a cell for the rest of your lives," He added, before leaving the room.

"Well, that was awkward and tense as hell," Tony commented, and Nanala nodded in agreement.

"Now we need to start thinking of a name for you," Clint said, trying to defuse the tension in the room.

"Do you have any in mind?" Nanala asked, and Clint nodded.

"What was your nickname when you were an animagus in your universe?" He asked, making her smile slightly.

"It was Kitty, since I turned into a giant cat," Nanala replied, and Clint chuckled.

"Not very original, but I like it. It'll work, since you could turn into the cat at anytime during a mission," Clint said, causing Nanala to laugh lightly.

Nanala was now an Avenger, which she wasn't expecting, but at least that meant she wouldn't be put in a cell. She just wanted to prove Fury wrong, and rub it in his ugly ass face that she was a good person, and she could easily be the strongest Avenger...

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