People in and out of the dorms:
- Lily Evans
- Marlene McKinnon (deceased)
- Dorcas Meadowes
- Nanala Malfoy
- Abigail Kenner ( seventh year we never really knew, she was a friend of Lily's.)
People around Nanala in her last days:
- James Potter
- Remus Lupin
- Sirius Black
- Peter Pettigrew
- Lily Evans
- Marlene McKinnon
- Dorcas Meadowes
- Alice Fortescue (now Longbottom)
- Frank Longbottom
- Abigail Kenner (not sure if Nanala really knew her or not.)
Remus, Sirius, and James had made the list while sitting at the table with Andromeda. After hours of making the list, the group came up with the answer of who most likely helped Dumbledore — Abigail Kenner. She showed up in seventh year, but Nanala never really talked to her. By the time Abigail had shown up, Nanala and James were so in love, they barely seen anyone else around them.
"Isn't it odd that Abigail was around days before Nanala disappeared?" Andromeda commented, and the boys nodded.
"Y'know what I just realized?" Remus asked, causing the group to look over,"When Abigail was around, I never seen Peter." He said, causing the others to gasp.
"You think Peter was using polyjuice potion to trick us with Abigail Kenner?" James questioned, and Remus nodded.
"He was never around when Abigail was, and one thing about Abigail that stood out was she had a huge obsession with pumpkin pie, much like Peter." Remus commented, causing the others to frown.
"You think Lily knew Abigail was Peter?" Sirius asked, making Remus shrug.
"I don't know, but I think we should try and find evidence that she did." Remus replied, and the group nodded.
The four aparated to the Potter home, and began to search from top to bottom for anything that would give any answers. After hours and hours of searching, James finally found a small piece of paper crumpled up in Lily's nightstand drawer. He quickly opened the paper and read it over.
This all will workout, Dumbledore sought to it. I'll do my part, and you do yours.
"He did it! He sent away Nala! She sent away Nala and my baby!" James exclaimed, as he began to cry.
James crumbled to the ground, feeling all of the emotions that had been bottled up in him for days. His friends knew they couldn't really help him, so Sirius sat beside him and held him, as Remus and Andromeda tried to find a spell to reverse what Dumbledore, Peter, and Lily did.
"There isn't a reversal spell, Remus, I swear it. No matter how many times I go through this book, there isn't another spell fixing this one." Andromeda said, making Remus frown.
"Well, is there maybe a less dark version that would allow us to go to her world?" Remus asked, causing the woman to sigh.
"I don't think so, but I can try to find one." The woman replied, and Remus simply nodded.
Much to their dismay, Lily came home soon after, so Andromeda quickly gathered all the books and aparated home. She didn't want Lily seeing anything they were doing. The problem was, Lily found James crying in their room, as Sirius tried to calm him down.
"What's the matter, James?" Lily asked, as she walked up to him.
"You tell me." He spat, as he shoved the paper in her direction.
Lily quickly glanced at the paper, and her eyes went wide. James had found the paper that proved she was a trader, and so was Peter.
"James, I'm sorry. I really am, Dumbledore--" She began, but the boy cut her off.
"I don't care what Dumbledore said! I was in love with Nanala! She was my life, Lily! She meant everything to me! She was pregnant with my baby! You and Peter sent her away! You didn't care if she lived or died, as long as you got what you wanted! I knew you had problems, but I never knew you could stoop so low!" James yelled, as Lily stood frozen.
"Dumbledore said we were supposed to be together. Our child is supposed to save the wizarding world, James, how could you be so selfish?" She questioned, causing him to glare.
"Selfish?!" He exclaimed,"I was happy, and you took everything from me! I thought you loved me!"
"I do!" She cried, but he shook his head.
"No, you don't," He murmured,"You need to leave. Go somewhere else." He spat, but she shook her head.
"I can't." She replied, making him sigh.
"Why, because of Dumbledore?" He asked, but she sighed.
"I'm pregnant." She answered, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You're pregnant?" He questioned, and she nodded.
"Six weeks." She murmured, making him chuckle humorlessly.
"Oh, that's just fantastic." He commented, before he stomped out of the room.
James was going to have to learn to deal with Lily, but if she did anything wrong at all, he would take the baby and leave. He refused to let his baby be a pawn for Dumbledore's games. His baby would have a happy life—much like the life he believed his first baby was having with Nanala. Yes, he had slowly gotten over Nanala, but knowing what happened to her now and who did it made all the pain come back. He still loved her, he just wasn't in love with her, not anymore.
"Lily, if you do anything else to hurt James or that baby, you will be dealing with me, and I'm not a good person to get mad." Sirius said, before he left the room as well.
What the boys didn't know, was that Lily had already told Dumbledore about the baby. Dumbledore was willing to do anything to make sure what he wanted to happen would happen. One way or another, the Potter child would help him in his rise to power, even if that meant he had to take out every member of the Marauders one by one. Nothing was going to get in his way, at least, so he had believed...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...