Weeks after his birthday, sadly Henry had gotten sick. Nanala had to take him to a doctor, which wasn't a fun trip. The little boy had to get a couple of shots, and he had to have different medicine to make him better. Normally Nanala would've been able to get a healing potion and fix him, but not only has he never had one before, she was also running low on all the ingredients that are only found in the wizarding world. She doesn't have access to ingredients for a few different potions and such, which is a huge disappointment. Since she lacks access, she hasn't given Henry any potions really, which makes her worry that now since he's older, he might not be able to handle any potions.
The last couple of days, Henry only had a stuffy nose and a cough, but today he had been worse, which was why Nanala had to bring him to the doctor. He had actually thrown up more than once, which was disgusting to clean up, and it made Henry even more upset than he had been with his slight fever. With much determination, Nanala was certain she'd help Henry recover the muggle way, even if it was a bit more tedious and time consuming.
"Time for more medicine, Henry," Nanala cooed, as she pulled some bubble gum flavored medicine into a medicine dropper.
"No!" Henry exclaimed, not liking the flavor of his medicine.
"It'll make you feel better, Henry, you have to take it. Mummy feels sad when Henry is sick," She replied, causing Henry to give in, though a few tears slipped from his eyes.
Once he had swallowed the medicine, Nanala wiped the tears from his cheeks, and kissed his nose. She knew he didn't feel good, but seeing him cry made her heart break. There was never a time where she didn't feel sad when he was crying, but sometimes when he wouldn't stop crying she'd feel like an awful mother. Danielle worked double to help Nanala, even though Nanala told her she didn't have to, but Danielle wanted to help as much as she could.
When sick, Henry seemed to be way more clingy, which Nanala had gotten use to. Matter of fact, over the first two days, before he was even that sick, she had learned to cook and clean with him on her hip at all times. He wouldn't even let her put him down for a nap, which was when she'd normally cook and clean. Sometimes he'd sit in his high chair, with his toys, or with Danielle when Nanala was busy, but not when he was sick.
The doctor had informed Nanala that he'd only want light foods when sick, so she really only made him mashed potatoes. He was a big fan of mashed potatoes, but she knew he wouldn't be too happy only eating them alone. She planned to make him other foods as soon as he started feeling better. He loved quite a few different foods, so she knew she could fix him almost anything once he was a bit better.
Holding Henry on her hip, she looked out at all of the cars and people passing by the many tall buildings in New York. She always wondered how the muggles had gotten so far, but she figured they probably had years of experience and practice, something she doubted the wizarding world had much of; at least, when it came to architecture and ways of transportation. Nanala wondered if she would've been able to have a car in the wizarding world, but she doubted it. She was a pureblood, and it was fround upon to have muggle items, even ones as cool as cars.
Staring at the cars passing by, she realized that she wanted to know how to drive soon. She hoped Danielle was willing to teach her even just the basics of driving the car. Nanala knew she'd eventually have to buy her own car, but until she learned how to drive; buying a car was pretty useless. Biting her lip, she wondered what types of tests needed to be done to get a license to drive a car; probably far less that some of the tests to do things in the wizarding world, such as apparate.
After another moment or two, Nanala decided to go and sit on the couch with Henry. The boy was asleep, so she really didn't have much else that she could do. She turned on the television; which she still thought was pretty amazing, and she decided to watch the news. Watching the news let her catch up on things in New York, as well as other parts of the world, that she would normally have to read about in the Daily Prophet back at Hogwarts.
She liked the President of the United States, Barack Obama. She wasn't a big fan of politics though, since they caused so many arguments, even between the best of friends. As she stared at the screen, seeing the weather pop up, she began to somewhat focus on what was being said. She always loved the weather, even in the wizarding world, so hearing about it on television could sometimes pull her focus. She'd even glance outside every so often to see how accurate the weather man really was.
While watching the weather, a special report popped up on the screen. Her eyes widened when she seen the multiple people on the screen that she somewhat recognized. There was a man in an red and gold iron suit, there was a man decked out in red, white, and blue, and there was a man in green. She was certain the man in green was a god; Loki if she remembered correctly, and he had a brother named Thor. She realized the guy in the iron suit and the guy in the color spandex were really familiar; they were from the comics she had glanced over once or twice; Iron Man and Captain America.
"They're really real..."
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. There's one more for this part, then I'll be on part three. Part three won't have so many author's notes, I promise. As long as you guys remember to like, comment, follow me, and share, I'll keep from leaving author's notes so much.
Love you guys!
Follow!- Youngblood Xxx

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...