Nanala placed Henry down on the floor, and he followed behind her slowly. She had quickly ran to the lounge room with her wand held high. Her eyes widened when she seen two men standing there. Both men had blonde hair; one was long and one was short. She didn't know what had happened, and she could barely comprehend what was going on.
"We're sorry. We'll have your home fixed up for you," The short haired blonde said, and Nanala simply glared.
She had quite realized yet that the two blondes standing in her broken lounge room were Captain America and Thor.
"You can put down your stick, my lady," The long haired blonde said, raising his hands slightly.
"It's not a stick!" Nanala exclaimed, waving her wand slightly to threaten him.
When Thor stepped a step closer, he learned she really wasn't holding just a stick in her hand.
"Depulso!" Nanala called, before Thor was thrown to the ground just outside of the building.
"What was that?! How'd you do that?!" Captain America asked frantically, as he went to check on Thor.
When Thor stood up, he came back in and stared at Nanala for a moment.
"You have magic, but it's different than any magic I've seen before. My lady, where did you learn such magic?" He asked, causing Nanala to roll her eyes.
"I was born with it, and I went to school for it," She replied,"Now both of you, leave," She added, as her son walked into the room.
The two men's eyes trailed to the little boy, and soon, so did Nanala's. The little boy walked over to his mother, before looking over at the wreckage in front of them. When he seen the two men he smiled mischievously. Slowly his hair and features began to change, and in moments he looked like a little Thor. He then turned to Captain America and did the same thing.
"What is going on here?" Captain America asked, completely bewildered.
"My lady, the Captain and I will be back after we finish with the battle. Our friends would definitely like to see what we've seen," Thor said, before the two left in a hurry.
Sighing to herself, Nanala picked up Henry and brought him back to his high chair. She set him in the high chair, before carrying it into the lounge room so he could see what she was doing. Once he was set, Nanala began to clean up the mess in her lounge room. She repaired the broken furniture and other objects she seen that was broken, then she started working on fixing the actual building. Fixing the building was harder, but it only took about thirty minutes before the building was fixed.
Once the building was fixed and everything was cleaned up that could potentially harm Henry, Nanala set him back down on the ground and turned on the television. She allowed him to watch Doc McStuffins, as she went to the kitchen to fix herself some tea. She was beyond stressed out, especially since she was now sharing her secret with people she didn't know. As she thought about the people though, she face palmed once she realized who the two were; Captain America and Thor. If they seen her, that meant they planned to bring the rest of the Avengers to her place to question her.
She could always erase their memory of the event, but she didn't know how well they'd take it if some of their memory was missing. They could blame Loki, but if it was only two members of the team, they'd most likely go searching for whatever or whoever erased the two men's memory. Nanala allowed that thought to leave her mind, knowing she couldn't really do anything about it anymore anyway. They had already been gone too long, and there wasn't really any reason for Nanala to believe they hadn't already informed their team about her and Henry.
Finishing the tea, Nanala began to wash the dishes in the sink. She remembered that she was supposed to wash them after Criminal Minds, but she doubted that the show wasn't already half way over or more by the time she had finished repairing everything that had been broken earlier. Disappointed that she couldn't watch her show, Nanala turned to cleaning the muggle way to pass time. She could hear and see things going on outside, but she knew she was going to be able to keep herself and Henry safe if something happened.
Danielle was still at work, which made Nanala wonder if the girl was safe as well. She couldn't really protect her there, but she could hope that the girl wouldn't need protection. Nanala knew her spells and potions well, but she wasn't going to apparate herself and Henry to Danielle, just in case it would be putting herself and her son in more danger than they were already in.
By the time Nanala had realized the commotion outside was over, and the only thing left was the extensive damage from the battle, she had already cleaned the entire kitchen and all the floors in her home. She still wasn't comfortable calling it home, but she liked the place enough to start thinking about calling it home. It was a flat and not a house, but it was still nice nonetheless.
Nanala actually wanted to save up money to buy herself and Henry a house to live in. If Danielle wanted to move in with them she could, but Nanala would expect her to help out a little with the price. After dreaming about a new house for a while, Nanala decided to bring her son some more juice. She fixed him a sippy cup once again and carried it to him, setting it on the table behind him. Aftwrward, she went back towards the kitchen to grab herself something to drink, but she stopped when she heard a knock on her front door. She was not ready to speak to the team of Superheros...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...