Chapter Thirty Nine

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A couple of days later, Tony decided to have a party. Nanala hadn't been to one of the famous Tony Stark parties yet, so she didn't know what to expect. She knew it was an event where everyone dressed up, but the last time she dressed up was when she was still living in Malfoy Manor. She hated dressing up there, and she didn't know how far muggles went to dress up.

Natasha figured it would be best if she brought her out to buy a dress using Tony's credit card. Nanala had left Henry with Clint, since Clint had already gone out and gotten himself a new outfit to wear. The party wouldn't be starting until after Henry went to bed, so Nanala didn't have to worry about getting Henry a new outfit for the party.

Anyhow, Natasha had picked out quite a few dresses for Nanala to try on. Nanala was hesitant, since most of the dresses were short or too open. When she use to shop for dresses, the dresses were more conservative. Even when her mother made her "dress up," her dresses were still kore conservative. The problem with Nanala's mother, was that she didn't think Nanala's "charming personality" was enough to win over a suitor, so she made the girl dress like she was free. It was ridiculous, since most pureblood women were told to dress like a lady, otherwise they'd never find a suitable man. Nanala wondered if that was her mother's way of punishing her.

"Dresses in my day were made of a lot more fabric," Nanala commented, after trying on yet another dress.

"One, you sounded like Steve when you said that," Natasha retorted,"and two, it's years later, Nala. Girls here dress way different from the girls in your time," She said, and Nanala sighed.

"I guess you're right," Nanala murmured,"I'll try on this next dress with a little less judgement," She added, causing Natasha to scoff quietly.

The dress was beautiful on Nanala, but Nanala didn't feel like it was covering enough. She felt like her legs were too exposed, but again, Natasha told her that dresses now are way different from dresses back in her time. Actually, Nanala felt like dresses in her universe were different from the dresses in this universe.

"That dress is perfect," Natasha said, and Nanala bit her lip

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"That dress is perfect," Natasha said, and Nanala bit her lip.

"You don't think it's too much?" Nanala asked,"I feel like the slit is up way too high, and my breasts are lifted more than normal," She added, causing Natasha to laugh.

"I think you're a hot mom, and there aren't many that can look as good as you in that dress. So, I think you should buy it," Natasha replied, making the girl bite her lip.

"I have a feeling Clint's going to have the same comments about the dress as me," Nanala murmured, causing Natasha to sigh.

"Clint's not your father--" Natasha began, before Nanala cut her off.

"He's as close to one as I could ever wish for. Honestly, he's better than my real father ever was. I don't know what I would do with out him," She said, and Natasha smiled.

"That's sweet," Natasha cooed,"Look, Nala, you're an adult. Clint can't get too mad about what you wear. Besides, he knows better than to argue with me, so if he gives you any trouble, just tell him that I picked out the dress for you—which I did,"She replied, causing Nanala to nod.

Natasha and Nanala headed back to the tower, and went straight to Nanala's room to get ready. The two girls had been out shopping for so long, that they didn't have too much time to get ready before the party. Clint had graciously offered to put Henry to bed, as the girls fixed their hair and makeup.

Once Henry was in bed, and Clint was out of the room, Natasha and Nanala pulled on their dresses. They slipped on their shoes almost instantly, before heading out of the room. Nanala put a silencing spell on the room, so Henry wouldn't be woken up by the noise the team was making. Obviously, more than just the team was there, but Nanala didn't seem to mind. It could've been worse. It could've been like the balls she would have at the Manor, which were some of the worst things she ever had to go to.

"Wow, Nala, you look beautiful," Clint commented,"the slit is a little high, but I can deal with it,"

"Thank you, and I told Nat the slit was a little high, but she didn't seem to care. She told me if you complained, to just tell you to fight her or something like that," Nanala joked, and Clint chuckled.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked,"Tony has an open bar, and I think Cap's waiting on you somewhere," He added, making the girl smile and nod.

Clint walked the girl over to the open bar and ordered her and himself a drink. He remembered her telling him that she still wasn't great with knowing what all the muggle alcohol drinks were, so he decided to pick her one that he knew she'd like. Once the drink was handed to her, she took a careful sip and nodded.

"It's good. I like it," She commented, and Clint smiled.

"I hoped you would. Otherwise, I'd feel like a pretty shitty person giving you a nasty drink to try," He replied, causing her to chuckle.

Steve soon joined them to greet Nanala. He also complimented the girl, but unlike Clint, he didn't comment on how the girl's dress looked. Steve was too nice of a friend to do so, and Clint was just letting his fatherly side come out when he told her his thoughts on the dress. Nanala was happy at the party though, even if it was a little loud and reminded her of a Gryffindor party just a little bit. She missed her old friends, but she was finally happy with her new ones...

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