Nanala had helped Clint do work around the farm, since she was bored and didn't have as much to do without the others around. Henry was hanging around Clint's kids a lot, so he wasn't always at his mother's side demanding her attention. It had only been a few days, but Nanala was already bored out of her mind.
Nanala had to keep up her training though, and with Clint's help, it wasn't too hard or demanding. Matter of fact, he helped her more with weapons than sparring. He was still worried about her hurting herself, and he knew Laura would be mad if she seen Nanala get hurt, or let Laura see her use her magic to heal herself.
"Nala! Come here!" She heard, causing her to run inside.
Nanala went to the living room where she had heard Clint, and as soon as he seen her, he pointed to the tv. She quickly looked up and her eyes widened. There had been an attack, and they were saying people had been hurt, and a few had even been killed. As Nanala continued to watch the tv, her eyebrows furrowed when they mentioned that they believed the attack was caused the Winter Soldier.
"Who's the Winter Soldier?" Nanala asked, as she looked over at Clint.
"I'm not sure, but if I had to guess, he's a bad guy. He's probably a part of that group—HYDRA, that caused problems for SHIELD," He replied, making her sigh.
"Do you think he'll attack other places? Do we need to be worried?" She asked, causing him to shake his head.
"No, we're retired, remember?" He commented, making her nod,"Besides, that would be a job for the Avengers that did sign the Accords," He said, chuckling to himself.
"What if he goes on the run, and he tries to hurt people to use their homes as a hideout?" She asked, making him sigh.
"I've let you watch too many scary movies recently," He joked,"If the Winter Soldier tried to break in our home and tried to hurt us, I have full confidence that you and I would be able to take him down without him even getting a look at our family," He replied, causing her to smile a bit.
"I'm sorry," She murmured, glancing away from Clint,"I'm just worried that something could happen to Henry. I remember telling you about everything that Dumbledore did, and things my family did to me. I can't help but worry that I'll never be able to finally settle down without worrying about something coming out of the dark to hurt Henry, or try to make us vanish again," She said, making Clint frown.
"I know you're worried, Nala," He answered,"but I've got you. You and Henry will always be safe here. Nothing can hurt the two of you when I'm around," He stated, pulling her into his side.
Nanala found comfort in Clint and his words. He had been the only one to ever really try to be there for her when she came to this new universe. Yes, Danielle had tried, but Clint became the family Nanala had never gotten in her life. Clint was practically her best friend, and he was always going to be the father Nanala had wanted but had never gotten.
Wanda and Natasha were nice, yes, as were Thor, Steve, Rhodey, Bruce, and Vision—Tony was a handful, but none of them were Clint. Clint was the person Nanala would want her son to grow up to idolize. He was a family man, and he wasn't afraid to make a mistake. Most parents would want their kid to choose Steve or Tony, maybe even Thor, but they weren't like Clint.
Steve was too hell bent on being the perfect soldier, and doing everything as if it was a big mission. He never really took time to unwind and connect with the world. He was stuck in one spot, and Nanala doubted he'd ever pull himself from it. Yes, he was a very nice guy, and he was a great leader when they needed it, but he had the personality of a soldier, and not one of a regular, everyday, hardworking man.
Tony was a big choice to some parents, but not to Nanala. Tony was very full of himself, even if he was a good hero. He always believed he was right, and he believed no one could stand in his way. Now he was letting the government run his life, and Nanala didn't understand how he could do as they said so easily, like a scorned puppy. He may have been one of the smartest people Nanala had ever met, but he rolled over and gave up too easily when it came to the government.
Thor was a nice guy, and he was very strong, but Nanala didn't see him as the type of person she'd want Henry to be exactly like. Thor wasn't always the brightest, and sometimes he was a bit unrealistic, but Nanala knew that was just the way he was on Asgard. Thor was a god, and there wasn't a reason for Nanala to ever question it, but he wasn't the man Henry should be like—according to Nanala.
Clint Barton was a family man. He always put his family first, and he loved them with all of his heart. His family had even been hidden from his entire team, even though he trusted them, just because he wanted to keep them safe. Clint would go far and beyond what anyone could even fathom just to protect his family and keep them happy.
Having Henry live in the same home as Clint made Nanala believe the young boy would start gaining some of the personality characteristics that Clint had. She loved her son the way he was, but she wanted him to know what type of man he should idolize, and what type of man he should stay away from. She never wished bad on anyone, and she never hated anyone, but some people just weren't right when it came to her little boy...
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wanted to give a little more information on Nanala and Henry, especially with their relationship with Clint and his family. So, I hope this chapter was entertaining to you.
Love you guys!
Follow!- Youngblood Xxx

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanficNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...