Chapter Ninety Four

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Tony had decided to have the get together at his place, since they were near the water, and because he knew Clint would definitely not want it at his farm. T'Challa would've probably agreed to have it in Wakanda, but not everyone was willing to travel that far to see their "family" one more time. Tomorrow was never promised, so for now this was the "one last time" get together, just in case someone didn't make it to tomorrow.

"Are you sure you don't need anymore help?" Nanala asked, causing Pepper to smile.

"No, now go get ready! Everyone will start arriving soon!" Pepper exclaimed, giving Nanala a gentle shove.

Nanala went up to her room and quickly took a shower, before she grabbed her clothes and slid them on, as well as fixing up her hair. It was a hot day, so Nanala knew better than to wear anything too heavy.

By the time Nanala was ready, she heard cars arriving outside of the house

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By the time Nanala was ready, she heard cars arriving outside of the house. She quickly went downstairs and headed outside to greet everyone with Tony, Bucky, Morgan, and Henry. Bucky had helped Henry get ready earlier, when Nanala was actually helping Pepper prepare, before Pepper had kicked her out to make her get ready.

The first to arrive was Sam, and he had brought Steve and Scott. Just because Steve had stayed back in time and came back old, didn't mean the group didn't care for him. He was still an original member of the group, rather he was old or not, and rather he gave Sam his shield to be the new Captain America or not. Aunt May and Peter arrived at the same time, and Nanala had greeted them with hugs and smiles.

Next was James, Sirius, Remus, and Harry. Nanala greeted them with hugs, and she had taken Harry from James to give him a slight break from the baby. Harry may have been a year old, but a baby still required a lot of work and attention, rather he was a year old or a month old.

Bruce showed up later with Thor, which had been a surprise, since Nanala had believed Thor was out with the Gaurdians. She figured maybe Bruce had contacted Thor for this specific event. T'Challa arrived with Shuri and Okoye, and Clint finally came with his wife and children. This was the day James, Remus, and Sirius would finally see just how close Nanala and the Bartons were.

The three wizards had watched, as the Barton children came over and hugged Nanala, Henry, and Bucky. Laura soon did the same, giving Henry a kiss on the cheek.

"Nana." Henry whined, as he wiped his cheek.

"You cheeky monkey." She retorted, patting the top of his head.

The threw wizards had been surprised when they watched Nanala hug Clint, but their surprise was not from her affection, but from her words.

"Hey, Dad." She had greeted, and their eyes had widened almost comically.

"Hey, sweetheart." He replied, kissing the side of her head.

Clint and Bucky shared a simply hand shake, before Clint squatted down and picked up Henry as he jumped into his arms.

"Papa!" Henry yelled, wrapping his arms tightly around Clint's neck.

Nanala had called Clint "Dad" after they had won the fight with Thanos, and Clint had welcomed the name with a smile. He loved the girl, and if she wanted to call him dad he'd be happy with it. She was practically his daughter anyway.

"So, before we start doing our own thing, I'd like you all to meet some people," Nanala announced,"You all remember how I came to this universe, and it's been years since I arrived. Well, these four," Nanala motioned to the three wizards and the baby in her arms,"came from the same universe and time as me. I hope you guys will all treat them as nice as you've treated me, and make them feel welcome." She added, and everyone waved at the four newcomers.

Nanala talked with Pepper and Laura on the porch, as they sat and watched everyone else converse and have a good time together. Nanala still had Harry in her arms, but he was sleeping against her chest. He had ran off for a while to play, but it wasn't long before he had come back and fallen asleep. He had tired himself out while running around with Henry and Morgan. Henry and Morgan had easily invited Harry into their games, even though he was barely able to walk and run, since he was so little.

After an hour or so, Nanala, Pepper, and Laura went inside to start bringing food out to the tables. Bucky had seen them first, so he jogged over to ask if he could help. Instead of having him help Pepper and Laura, Nanala simply handed Harry over to Bucky, and the man carefully held him, allowing him to sleep on his chest like Nanala had been doing.

James had spotted Bucky with his son first, as the man stood over talking with Nanala for a moment. James felt his heart clench at the sight, since he had dreamed for so long that he would have moments like that with Nanala, but it was too late. He was going to have to learn how to handle seeing Nanala with Bucky, and stop reminiscing on what could've been.

Bucky soon walked off with Harry over to Sam and Clint, and the two men looked at him, before glancing at each other with knowing looks. They could tell Bucky was a good father, but the two men had a feeling that Nanala had given him Harry instead of letting him help for a reason. They weren't sure of her reason, but they knew it had something to do with Bucky being able to hold a small baby.

Nanala looked over a couple times, and her heart would flutter. She liked seeing Bucky with a baby, and she wondered if anyone else could see how much she loved it when they looked in her eyes. She wondered how everyone would feel about Bucky being a father to more than just little Henry...

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