Chapter Fifty Five

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Steve woke Nanala up awhile later, telling her that they had arrived in Wakanda. Now that they had arrived, she felt refreshed and full of energy again. If she hadn't rested that extra time, she would've still felt sluggish and possibly a bit wobbly. Last time she used too much magic, she almost fell out, if it hadn't been for Remus picking her up and bringing her to Madam Pomfrey. Those days were a long time ago, but she still continued to remember them as if she had lived them only a day ago.

"What changed T'Challa's mind?" Nanala had asked, before they exited the jet.

"He must have realized that it wasn't Bucky that killed his father in Vienna," Steve answered, causing Nanala to nod.

Nanala followed behind Steve and Bucky, since she felt a little awkward meeting the King of Wakanda after she had used her magic on him. She had a feeling he forgave her and understood why she had used her magic against him, but she still felt rather awkward about it.

"Ms. Malfoy," She heard, causing her to look up,"Do you need any medical attention?" T'Challa asked, making the girl shake her head.

"No, thank you. I'm just a little bruised, nothing that can't heal on its own," She replied, and he nodded.

"Come, my sister would like to learn more about you and your abilities," T'Challa stated, as he motioned for her to follow him and her friends.

T'Challa brought them to a lab, one that was way more advanced than Tony's. Honestly, Nanala was sure that Tony would be jealous of this lab.

"Shuri, this is Nanala Malfoy, the girl that I was telling you about," T'Challa commented, as he motioned to the blonde beside him.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Malfoy. Captain Rogers mentioned you were also an Avenger?" She questioned, and the girl shrugged.

"I don't know if I'd count myself as an Avenger, but I have helped them on a couple of occasions," Nanala replied, causing Steve to roll his eyes.

"You willing helped me defend my best friend. If the Avengers weren't disbanded, you would definitely be one now, though I believe you were one already," He said, making the girl shrug.

"So, Steve said you may be able to help Bucky. How exactly do you plan to do that?" Nanala asked, taking the conversation off of herself.

"Well, first I have to see how deep rooted the HYDRA programming is in his brain, then we'll see what we need to do from there," Shuri answered, as she had Bucky sit on a medical bed.

Nanala and Steve stood together, as they watched Shuri do scans on Bucky's brain.

"I wish I would've been able to learn more about being a healer. Madam Pomfrey only told me so much before I was sent here. If I would've known more, I might've been able to fix Bucky without extensive medical procedures and tests," Nanala commented, sighing to herself.

"Don't worry about it, Nala. You've already done a lot for him. You dropped everything to help us; help him," Steve said, smiling at the girl.

"I have a couple of potions and creams that could heal yours and Bucky's cuts and bruises," Nanala stated, but Steve shook his head.

"We're super soldiers, Nala, we heal faster than the average human," He replied, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Bucky, does your shoulder hurt?" Nanala asked, taking a step closer to him.

Bucky looked down towards her, wondering which shoulder she was talking about at first. He then realized that she knew he could feel pain where his other arm was missing. Instead of saying anything, he simply shook his head.

"You don't have to deal with the pain anymore. I have something that can fix the pain," Nanala said, as she pulled a small vial out of her bag.

"We will be fixing your shoulder piece while you're here. I will also be able to make you a new arm," Shuri stated, but Bucky simply frowned.

Shuri and Nanala could tell that Bucky didn't like the idea of getting a new arm, but he would need one if something was to happen and he needed to defend himself. Nanala knew what it was like to blame herself, even when it wasn't her fault, so she could easily see that Bucky did that to himself as well.

"Take this," Nanala said, uncorking the vial she had in her hand.

Bucky stared at the vial apprehensively, but he didn't say anything.

"I promise it won't do anything to you, Bucky, it'll just take your pain away. Ask Steve, he's seen me use it on other people before," Nanala commented, causing Steve to step in.

"I've seen her use it. It won't hurt you," Steve answered, and Bucky nodded stiffly.

Since he had to stay still, Nanala lifted the vial to Bucky's lips and slowly poured the potion into his mouth. Bucky made a face at the taste, causing Nanala to chuckle, but only a couple of minutes later, Bucky's pain was gone.

"See? All better," Nanala commented, giving Bucky a smile.

Bucky gave her a light smile full of gratitude, before Shuri finished the tests and allowed him to sit up. Shuri placed a cover over Bucky's open shoulder, knowing he might be a little uneasy looking at it.

"I can give you a couple of potions for pain, so you can keep from feeling the pain in your shoulder," Nanala said, as she handed Bucky a couple of vials of the same potion he had been given minutes earlier.

"How long does the potion last?" Shuri asked, looking over at the girl.

"I can say he'll get a good night's rest without waking up from the pain," She replied, and Shuri nodded.

"We'll work on your shoulder in the morning, and you can use one of those potions after the procedure," Shuri said,"but we'll wait a bit to work on your brain," She added, but Bucky shook his head.

"I want to clear HYDRA from my brain as soon as possible," He said, and Shuri nodded.

"We'll start after we fix your shoulder," She replied, knowing she didn't need to argue with the man.

Nanala just hoped Shuri and T'Challa could fix Bucky's brain like they had said they could...

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