Nanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...
As Nanala finished dinner, she got a bad feeling in her gut. She couldn't figure out what it was at first, but then in a split second Tony came to her mind. It was as if her gut was telling her that something was wrong with Tony, or something bad was going to happen to him. She knew she had promised him that she wouldn't leave, but she had to help him. If there was a way for her to save him, she was going to do it. Her heart hammered in her chest, as she quickly slipped on the suit Tony had made her before.
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He had made it in hopes she would wear it and keep herself safe. After she had on her suit, she quickly grabbed her wand and headed towards the door.
"Where are you going?!" Pepper exclaimed, as she jumped up to follow Nanala.
"I'm going to prevent death." She replied, before she stepped out of the door.
"Nanala! Wait--" Pepper called, but Nanala had aparated away before she could finish.
Nanala hadn't been sure, at first, about where the others were going to be, but then she remembered Tony talking about the Avengers compound. Quickly, Nanala aparated to the compound and landed on the ground nearby. She could hear a fight going on, meaning she knew that Thanos was back and everyone was in trouble.
Quickly, Nanala came sprinting through the trees. She seen the compound in ruins, but she didn't stop. She ran through all of the aliens, hexing and jinxing a few as she ran past them. She had to find Tony. Something was wrong, and she couldn't let anything happen to him. Once she seen him, she made her legs go just a bit faster, which was close to being nearly impossible.
"What are you doing here?! I thought I told you to stay at home!" Tony yelled, once he spotted Nanala beside him.
"You did," She answered,"but I got a bad feeling, and I knew I had to get down here as fast as possible. I had to try and save you before anything bad happened." She said, making him sigh.
"I told you something could happen, but that you had to let it go. Why won't you listen to me?" He questioned, glaring at the girl.
"Because I love you! I can't let anything happen to you if I can help it. If there is some way that I can help you, I'm going to. I'm not just going to sit on my arse, waiting to hear what happened to you from someone else. Pepper and Morgan deserve better than that." She snapped, and Tony simply frowned at her.
"Well, kid, I guess we've got work to do." He replied, causing her to nod.
In an instant, Nanala had her wand raised, and she was sending jinxs and hexes in all directions. She refused to use the killing curse, after Tony had practically ingrained in her head that she was going to regret using it on so many people one day. She didn't know if she believed him, but she accepted the fact that she wasn't going to use it anymore.
The bad feeling that she had felt in her gut earlier came back, and her heart started to hammer in her chest once more. Quickly, the girl turned towards Tony to see what was going on.
"I am inevitable." Thanos said, snapping his fingers, only for nothing to happen.
Nanala's eyebrows furrowed for a moment, believing that somehow whatever was supposed to happen didn't, and she hadn't needed to come after all, but she was wrong.
"And Man." Tony said, causing Nanala to gasp.
"No!" She screamed, before throwing out a spell to freeze Tony.
"What are you doing?!" T'Challa exclaimed, as he watched her freeze Tony.
"Saving all of us." She replied, taking the stones from Tony.
She yelled "Crucio" towards Thanos, before pulling his gauntlet from his arm. She put the stones in the gauntlet, unfroze Tony, and used her new charm to snap the fingers of the gauntlet to take out Thanos and his army. At the last second, as the fingers snapped, one of Thanos's army threw a spear at Nanala, and it went through her side.
She hadn't felt the pain at first, as she watched Thanos and his army dust away like Bucky and Henry had. As Thanos dusted away, Tony turned towards the girl, as did Clint.
"Nala!" They exclaimed, watching as her eyes closed and she hit the ground.
"No, no, no. You better wake up. You better stay alive." Tony said, as he broke off both ends of the spear to make it easier to remove.
"Oh, my girl, what were you thinking? You're supposed to live and see your little boy. Please keep breathing for us." Clint murmured, as he ran his fingers gently over her hair.
"Oh God, Nala." Bucky gasped, as he quickly ran over.
"I've got a medical helicopter on the way. It should be here in five minutes." Rhodey said, but Tony shook his head.
"Won't be fast enough," He answered,"I've got to fly her." He added, picking up the unconscious girl.
"I'm right behind you." Pepper said, announcing that she had arrived during the fight, much to Tony's dismay.
Tony and Pepper took Nanala to the hospital, hoping they would be able to fix her. Tony and Pepper paced the waiting room, and soon Clint and Bucky arrived to wait on information for Nanala. When a doctor finally came out, the four were able to sigh in relief.
"She wasn't not critically injured. She just had a little interal bleeding that we had to stitch up, and we stitched up the entry and exit wounds. She's resting now, but she'll be able to leave in a couple of days. She's lucky, if she had been impaled a few inches to the right, she could've had major organ damage, that could've potentially been fatal." The doctor said, and the group were happy that Nanala was going to live.
Nanala had saved them all, and for that she was a true hero...