"Let's go!" Henry exclaimed, as he pulled on Nanala's hand.
Henry wanted to meet a real princess and king so bad. Lila had gotten the boy to watch a lot of Disney movies, and he wanted to meet a real princess and king like in the movies. Obviously Shuri wouldn't be dressed in a gown, and T'Challa wouldn't be dressed like those kings in the movies, but they were real and not fictional like all of the others.
"You have to walk when you're inside. It's disrespectful to run," Nanala commented, and Henry nodded.
Once they were near the entrance, Nanala watched as Henry came to a stop. He then carefully began to walk, watching his steps to make sure he didn't run, and to make sure he didn't fall and embarrass himself. He didn't want the king or the princess to laugh at him or think that he was a clumsy fool.
"Nanala, you've returned," T'Challa said, causing Henry to stop in his tracks.
"Yes, and I've brought my son. He wanted to meet you and Shuri," Nanala replied, causing Henry's eyes to go wide.
"H-he's king?" Henry asked quietly, as he looked up at his mother.
"Yes, that's King T'Challa of Wakanda," She answered, and he turned to the king in awe.
Once he realized what he was doing, he quickly began to bow. Before he could bow to the king, T'Challa placed his hand lightly on the little boy's shoulder to stop him.
"We don't do that here, little Henry. You are my friend," T'Challa said, as he squatted down to Henry's height, and stuck out his hand.
Henry carefully shook the king's hand, before he turned to his mother with a grin on his face.
"Mummy, the king is my friend!" He exclaimed, his childish lisp still evident.
"I see, and I'm happy you've made a friend in T'Challa," She replied, smiling at her son.
"Come, I will bring you to see my sister," T'Challa announced, as he stood to his regular height.
Henry stuck his hand out to T'Challa, and the man happily grasped the boy's, before he lead him to the lab where Shuri was stationed. The girl was working with some technology when they had entered the room.
"Shuri, I'd like to introduce you to my new friend, Henry," T'Challa said, motioning to the little boy that was grinning up at him.
"Nice to meet you, little Henry," Shuri commented,"I am surprised you've decided to befriend my brother, he can be quite a nuisance," Shuri joked, causing T'Challa to roll his eyes playfully.
"You Princess?" Henry asked, his 'r' sounding like a 'w'.
"Yes, I'm a princess, but I do not dress like those little princesses in the fairytales," Shuri answered, causing Henry to giggle.
Henry went to bow again, but T'Challa simply tugged his hand lightly. The little boy looked up at him, and the king gave him a friendly smile.
"Oh, right," Henry murmured, blushing slightly.
"No need to be embarrassed, little one. You're being courteous, and besides, you didn't know that Wakanda was different," Shuri said, and Henry smiled.
"Henry, can you do magic like your mother?" T'Challa asked, smiling down at him.
"No, I'm not big enough," He answered, shaking his head.
"In the wizarding world, you're not allowed to practice magic until you're eleven, and at that time, you have to go to a wizarding school to learn everything you need to know. You're not allowed to use magic outside of school until you're seventeen, and you can't learn to aparate until then either," Nanala informed, causing T'Challa to nod.
"You're not in that world anymore, Nanala. You can start teaching him early if you truly wanted to," Shuri commented, and Nanala nodded.
"I'd have to get my magical books that I have, before I can teach him everything. I'd also have to figure out how to make a wand for him, otherwise he'd have to have mine, and it may not work too well for him," Nanala said, causing T'Challa to furrow his eyebrows.
"Why is that?" He asked, slightly confused.
"The wand picks the wizard, meaning my wand picked me, and his wand would pick him. Maybe one day my wand would pick him, but I'm not sure," She replied, frowning to herself.
Nanala wanted to teach Henry magic. She wanted him to learn like all of the other witches and wizards did. She wanted him to get his own wand, and see the beautiful school of Hogwarts. Well, she didn't want him to see Dumbledore, but the school itself was beautiful. She wanted Henry to experience it all, but he wasn't going to have the chance, because she wasn't going to be able to get them back into their own world.
Besides, he grew up in this world so far, and she doubted he'd ever want to leave. Actually, she wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to let herself leave either. She had become so close to so many people, and she doubted she could ever leave them behind. Clint, Laura, and their kids were her and Henry's family, and she would never be able to leave them behind, and neither would Henry. The family was all they had, and she didn't want Henry to see just how terrible her real family was, or that his father would later marry someone else and die at a young age.
If Nanala was lucky, she'd be able to make Henry a wand. If she was lucky, she'd be able to teach him everything he needed to know, including things about the wizarding world, and he'd know all about his family. She'd let him read the books, and possibly watch the movies, but the books and movies were nothing compared to what she truly experienced. Her life wasn't the best in that world, and she would never wish for Henry to have that life. She figured that maybe teaching him about that universe and staying in this one was the best choice for both of their lives...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...