"Merlin's balls, Remus," Sirius began, as he looked down at the page he was reading,"I know who sent Nala to the other universe." He said, causing Remus and Andromeda to look up at him.
"Who did it?" Remus asked, very curious to find out.
"Professor Dumbledore. He sent her to the other universe," Sirius answered,"I always knew he seemed shady, but now I know he's a bad guy." He commented, as Remus and Andromeda stared at the boy with wide eyes.
"Well, I heard that there's a prophecy about a baby born that could possibly defeat You-Know-Who. I'm thinking that the baby has something to do with your futures, and the reason something bad is going to happen." Andromeda said, making the friends frown.
"What could we do to fix that?" Sirius asked, causing the woman to sigh.
"Keep whoever the rat is away from your family. If you can keep the rat away, I have a feeling no one will be hurt." Andromeda answered, and the boys nodded.
"We should tell Prongs. We've got enough information now, that we can tell him without making him doubt himself even more." Sirius said, making Remus nod with agreement.
"I will continue to try and find information for you lads. Stay out of trouble, and keep the rat away." Andromeda stated, before the two aparated away.
Remus and Sirius aparated to James and Lily's home, and they were surprised to see only James was home. They didn't question it though, since it made talking to James alone a lot easier. They made him swear to secrecy, even from his "Lily-flower," before they even mentioned Nanala's name to James.
"What do you mean you got a letter from Nala, Remus?" James questioned, his eyebrows narrowing.
"Here," Remus began, handing James the letter,"this is what she sent me." He said, and James carefully opened it.
James read over the letter carefully, his eyes filling with tears when he read about his and Nanala's son, Henry. He wished to one day meet the boy, but he knew there was a good chance that would never happen. All they had was a picture of baby Henry and Nanala.
"D-do you have the picture?" James asked, and Remus nodded.
"I made a copy for Sirius and I made a copy for you." Remus replied, handing James the picture.
James stared at the picture for a moment, a lone tear making its way down his face. He missed Nanala dearly, and to see their son made him miss the girl more—to the point where it felt like his heart clenched in his chest.
"You said you guys found some information that Nala was hinting in the letter." James commented, and his friends nodded.
"You and Lily need to cut Peter out of all secrets, and keep him away from this place." Sirius said, making the boy raise his eyebrows.
"Why?" James asked, causing Remus to sigh.
"She keeps mentioning a rat is the reason bad things happen. She said to trust Padfoot, and not any rats. She kept mentioning a rat, saying she hated them. Obviously she couldn't give us too many answers, but the clues are pretty spot on." Remus replied, and James nodded.
"I can set up a charm to keep him from entering." James commented, shrugging his shoulders.
He was angry at the thought that the boy he had been friends with for so many years could potentially cause them harm in their future. He didn't want to believe it, but he trusted Nanala, and if she said the boy was a danger to them, than he was going to hang on every word.
"Anything else?" James asked, causing Sirius and Remus to glance at each other.
"Yeah," Sirius murmured,"we know who sent her away."
"Who?" James asked, feeling his heart start pounding in his chest.
"Well, Andy was sure she knew who it was, but she couldn't be positive, so she gave me a book of some of the oldest and most powerful wizards and witches of all time. The only one that had those exact initials was someone you'd least expect; someone we trusted with our lives." Sirius explained, causing James's stomach to drop.
"Albus Dumbledore sent Nanala to another universe to keep her quiet about something, or to change the future. I'm not sure which, but I do know that she's sure it has to do with him wanting more power. He wants to use us, and we can't let him." Remus stated, and James nodded.
"We need to make sure he never finds out about this letter or about what we know." James said, and the friends nodded in agreement.
"I have a feeling he already knows what's supposed to happen in our future, but if we can stop it, we may be able to save the wizarding world without having bad things happen to us like Nanala had implied would happen." Remus commented, feeling determined.
"Why can't we tell Lily?" James asked, causing his friends to sigh.
"Nanala said to keep it between us, you read that too, so you can't expect us to break her word because you want to tell Lily." Remus replied, making the boy sigh.
"You're right. I'll keep quiet. I swore to it, obviously." He answered, and his friends nodded.
James knew he couldn't tell Lily, no matter how much he wanted to. To be honest, he felt bad, but he also felt a little happy that he'd potentially get to help Nanala and the rest of the wizarding world. He wasn't sure if he'd ever get to meet his son, but having a picture of him made him feel a little more cheerful. He would've felt dread seeing just a letter, but a picture made him better. He planned to keep the picture close, but he couldn't let Lily see it. If Lily seen it, she would ask questions, and they'd be questions he couldn't answer. For now, Nanala and Henry would have to stay his biggest secret he kept from Lily...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...