Chapter Thirty Two

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"How could you have been born in nineteen sixty? You don't look older than twenty," Bruce commented, and Nanala nodded.

"Well, I was sent from one year into another at the age of seventeen," She replied, causing the others to give the girl their full attention.

"Could you tell us exactly what happened to you?" Steve asked, as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"First thing you guys need to know, Harry Potter is very real, or was in my universe," She began,"When I was in my last year of Hogwarts, James Potter--Harry Potter's father--asked me to fake date him so he could make Lily Evans--Harry's mother-- fall in love with him. Well, over time, my best friend, Remus Lupin, swore James and I were falling in love with each other. Sirius Black, my other best friend, believed that James and I were a better couple than James and Lily would ever be.

My brother, Lucius Malfoy, had gotten word of the relationship, and he was angry. He claimed I was a disgrace to the Malfoy family, since I was friends with blood traitors and a half-breed, but when I got with James, I was practically scum to my pure blood family. Anyhow, months after being with James, I found out I was pregnant with Henry.

The first, and only person I told about Henry was Remus. I was supposed to tell James, but Dumbledore hit me with a spell that sent me here. I've actually been living here for a while, almost three years I believe. I sent a letter to Remus telling him everything that happened, and to keep everything a secret, which hurt like hell. I was disappointed to hear that James and Lily still got together and had Harry, only to die, but Dumbledore told me I was messing with destiny, which was why he sent me away," Nanala finished, sighing quietly.

"Have you tried to figure out a way to go back?" Clint asked, and Nanala nodded.

"Yes, but I have a feeling the spell I was hit with was created by Dumbledore, meaning if he didn't write it down or tell anyone about it, I wouldn't be able to find it in any spellbook or in the book series that was written about my world," Nanala answered, feeling a little sad.

"Can you tell us what you know how to do?" Bruce asked, looking over at Nanala.

"Yes, but I brought a couple things for you guys to read and help you understand a bit about my world," Nanala replied, grabbing her bag.

Reaching into her bag, she pulled out the few things she brought, as the others stared at her with wide eyes.

"You fit all of that in your bag?" Natasha asked bewildered, and Nanala laughed lightly.

"I have an undetectable extension charm on the bag, meaning I can put anything I want in the bag, and it'll fit," Nanala answered, smiling a bit.

"Can anyone use the wand and broom?" Tony asked, causing Nanala to shake her head.

"No, the wand picks the witch or wizard. Any witch or wizard can use the broom though, and if I wanted, I could take any of you on the broom with me, but obviously one at a time," Nanala replied, as the others skimmed through the books.

"Lunch time!" Tony exclaimed, as he clapped his hands together once.

Tony pulled out a phone and called for takeout, and he made sure to get things that everyone liked. Honestly, Nanala was surprised that the team had seemed so nice to her so far. Obviously she wasn't completely falling for the facade, but she hoped they would truly like her eventually.

"Can you show us some of your spells and charms?" Bruce asked, and Nanala agreed.

She used a charm to double the amount of food on the table. She showed them she could silence the room, and project her voice. Obviously she showed them a few other spells and charms, but she made sure to stay away from jinxs and hexes, so she wouldn't be put in a cell. The only jinx they were able to see was when she changed the color of Thor's cape, and technically it wasn't a jinx, it was a charm.

"Do you have anything else you could show us?" Steve asked, and Nanala nodded.

In one quick movement, Nanala stood from her seat, before she decided to show them her animagus form. They all stared at her surprised, especially when she easily went back to her human form.

"How did you do that?" Clint asked, his voice full of surprise.

"When I found out about my best friend being a werewolf, I figured out how to become an animagus. A person's animagus is pretty much the exact same as their patronus. I became an animagus to help Remus during the full moons," Nanala said, smiling at the memory.

"So werewolves were real?" Natasha asked, but Nanala could tell she was skeptical.

"Yes, so are giants, pixies, and other things like that. Honestly, the book I gave you is full of creatures that you guys say are fairytales. Read the book, and then if you have any questions, I can try to answer them to the best of my knowledge," Nanala replied, and the others nodded.

"Have you met many creatures?" Clint asked, and Nanala nodded.

"A few; my Care of Magical Creatures professor was actually half giant. His mother was a giant, but his father wasn't," Nanala answered, chuckling slightly.

"How the hell did that even work?" Tony asked, but Nanala merely shrugged.

"No idea," Nanala replied, and Tony laughed as well.

The somewhat open atmosphere changed drastically though, when a knock was heard, before a man with an eyepatch walked into the room. Almost instantly Nanala knew who it was, and she wasn't happy. She wished she could pitch him from the tower, but since she couldn't, she'd just openly glare at him...

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