Bucky had spent a week thinking about his first date with Nanala. He had gone through so many ideas, but none of them really felt right. Nanala was the only girl that ever mattered this much to him, that he spent a long time deciding what to do with her. All his other dates he took girls on were very last minute or not really thought through. He just took a girl out and they were happy. He didn't want that for Nanala, he wanted her to feel like the queen she was to him.
After days of thinking though, Bucky had finally decided on something simple but nice. He had gotten Shuri's help with cooking for Nanala, and they had made homemade stuffed shells, garlic bread, and coconut cake for dessert. He remembered Nanala telling him how much she liked coconut cake, so he made sure that Shuri helped him made Nanala's favorite.
Bucky had informed Nanala of the date a week ago, so Nanala wasn't surprised when Shuri came to her hut to help her get ready for the date.
"You should wear a simple dress and shoes," Shuri commented, and Nanala agreed.
Nanala had chosen a black sundress with her all black chucks, before Shuri put her hair in a pretty updo. Shuri helped the girl with her makeup, before she added a gold heart necklace that had Henry's name etched into it.
"I will take Henry with me for the night. He and I have some cookies to make anyway," Shuri said, causing Nanala to laugh.
"Don't load him up on sugar, otherwise you'll never get him to sleep tonight," Nanala replied, and the girl shrugged.
"Maybe that's my plan," Shuri commented, causing Nanala to roll her eyes playfully.
"Good luck with that," She answered, and Shuri smiled.
Nanala said her goodbyes to Henry, before she checked herself in the mirror one last time. As soon as she was done, she stepped out of her hunt and smiled when she seen Buvky headed her way.
"Are you ready?" He asked, and she nodded.
Bucky lead her to his hut, which he had made sure was completely clean and spotless. He had lit a vanilla scented candle before he left, so his hunt smelled nice when they had entered it.
Nanala followed Bucky into the kitchen, and a big smiled graced her face when she seen how the table was set up. Two plates were set, as well as a big dish of stuffed shells. A bowl of garlic bread laid nearby, and two small scented candles were placed on either side of the table.
"This looks amazing," Nanala commented, and Bucky smiled.
"I hope it tastes as good as it looks," He replied,"Shuri helped me make everything, so if it's nasty, it's her fault," He added jokingly, and Nanala laughed.
Nanala and Bucky sat at the table, and Nanala was the first to try the food.
"This tastes amazing. You're a good cook, Buck. I think I might teach you some recipes later," Nanala said, making Bucky smile.
"We can do that often if you want. I could always come over and help you with dinner every night and learn recipes that way," He commented, causing her to nod.
"I really like that idea," She answered, smiling at the man.
Nanala and Bucky had small talk while they ate. Bucky told Nanala about his family, mostly his sister Rebecca. He also talked a lot about his childhood memories with Steve, which she enjoyed a lot. Nanala told Bucky her good memories from her childhood, but most of them were when she was with her friends at Hogwarts. None of them were when she was actually at home, since her life at home was terrible.
"I made coconut cake for dessert," Bucky commented, as he set two slices down for him and her.
She quickly took a bite of her favorite dessert, and she sighed in happiness. He smiled when he seen the satisfaction on her face from the taste. He was really worried about messing up her favorite dessert.
While the two ate their dessert, and even after eating, the two continued to talk and reminisce. Nanala told Bucky quite a bit about Henry, and he seemed to love every moment of it. She could tell he was actually enjoying talking about Henry since he had a smile on his face, as well as the more he asked questions when he wanted to know more about something Henry did or said.
It was as if Henry was his best friend, even though Henry was only four years old. Truth be told, Henry and Nanala were the only ones, other than Shuri and T'Challa, that didn't treat Bucky any differently. Everyone else walked on eggshells around Bucky, but his two favorite people didn't, and he couldn't be more thankful with that.
"Did you ever tell Clint and Laura about us?" Bucky asked, biting his lip.
"No, not yet. I wanted to see how this turned out before I told them. I know they'll be a bit overdramatic about it, so I wanted us to be sure about our relationship first," Nanala replied, and Bucky smiled.
"Well, I feel sure about us. I really like you, and I think this date turned out well," He said, causing her to smile.
"After this date, I can say I feel the same way. Next time Henry and I visit them, I'll tell them all about you," She commented, making him smile nervously.
He didn't want her parents-even if they're adopted parents, to hate him. If they did, he'd never be able to be happy with Nanala and Henry. Before he allowed his thoughts to ruin his night, he lead Nanala to her hut once she started feeling tired.
"We should do this again soon," He commented, and she nodded.
"Definitely, but maybe next time I'll make the date. That way we can take turns," She replied, causing him to smile.
The two stood by the entrance of her hut for a moment, letting the moonlight paint their skin. Slowly, Bucky lowered his lips to hers, and she happily kissed him back.
"Goodnight, Nala," Bucky murmured, as he rested his forehead on hers.
"Goodnight, Bucky," She replied, smiling at him.
She watched him walk away, before she entered her hut with a smile on her face. The date was amazing, and she was certain her and Bucky would last forever...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...