Chapter Forty Eight

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Bots had already attacked the team, but they had been defeated by the time Clint, Nanala, and Wanda arrived. Clint lead Wanda and Nanala to everyone else. They had to guard the core from Ultron.

"Romanoff, you and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini,'" Tony commented, causing Nanala to inwardly gag.

"Relax shellhead, not all of us can fly," Natasha replied, and Nanala almost sighed in relief.

"Is that the best you can do?!" Thor exclaimed, once Natasha and Hulk were there with the team.

The team then watched as hundreds of bots ran or flew forward when Ultron raised his hand.

"You had to ask," Steve retorted, glancing at Thor.

"This is the best I can do," Ultron said, his arms spread wide with pride,"That is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" He questioned, and the team stood tall.

"Together," Tony replied, then Hulk roared.

Bots came running from all directions, and the team took them out in countless numbers. It seemed the team wasn't going to lose, and Nanala was proud of everyone. Thor, Tony, and Vision took on Ultron, as the rest of the team took out the bots.

The team split up, deciding to take on bots in different directions. Wanda promised to take care of the core, as the rest of the team protected the city. When a bot came through shooting, Nanala felt her heart jump. Clint had been running with a kid in his arms, and Nanala was protecting them from bots.

As the bot moved closer, Nanala quickly whipped out her wand. She shouted "Protego Maxima" to protect Clint and the little boy, even though she knew the shield wasn't going to work perfectly. She was beyond surprised when she seen a car had protected them as well. A blur had passed her before she even noticed it.

"Oh my Merlin," She murmured, when she realized that Pietro had saved Clint and the child, but she had saved Pietro.

Pietro was alive, but he still had a couple of bullet holes in him. Her shield wasn't perfect, but he wasn't going to die. Nanala quickly ran forward and caught Pietro before he fell over from the pain.

"Here," Nanala murmured, handing him a potion,"this will take the pain away. Let's go," She added, as she walked him to safety.

When Clint had seen her with Pietro, he quickly ran over and grabbed the boy's other arm. He helped Nanala bring the boy to safety, before Clint forced the girl to sit down.

"You're going to ruin your knee, and Laura is seriously going to kill me. She'll already have a conniption over the cut on your forehead," He said, causing the girl to chuckle.

Once the adrenaline had worn off, she almost cried when she bent her knee. It had swollen again, since the charm had worn off. Clint sat down on the other side of her, and looked down at her knee.

"God, Laura's gonna kill me," He murmured, once he seen how swollen her knee had gotten.

About ten minutes later, Wanda came running up to Nanala. She practically threw herself onto the older girl, being careful of the girl's knee. She had seen the injury as she was running over, so she knew to be careful.

"You saved my brother. I am so thankful. I owe you so much," Wanda cried, and Nanala smiled.

"You're welcome, Wanda," Nanala replied, smiling slightly, though her smile held pain.

Nanala slowly began to fall asleep on Clint's shoulder, as Wanda sat next to her brother. A couple of agents had come over and temporarily patched him up, so he wouldn't be bleeding out the entire way back to the tower. As Wanda sat next to a sleeping Nanala, she recieved a couple of flash memories from Nanala's mind. She didn't think the sleeping girl knew she was sending Wanda the memories, so she planned to let her know once she woke up, but the memories made Wanda frown.

In the memories, there was boys that Wanda obviously didn't know, but one boy looked a lot like Pietro. The boy had dark hair and glasses though, but they still looked the same. From what Wanda got from Nanala's memories, Nanala was in love with the boy, but she can no longer see him anymore. Wanda didn't know much about Nanala, so she didn't know that Nanala's last name was Malfoy, or that she was from a different universe. If she knew, she'd have so many questions.

Anyhow, once they were back at the tower, Clint helped Nanala put on a knee brace, before he ran off to get Henry. Henry was so excited to see his mother, and when Wanda seen him, she could tell instantly that the little boy was the son of the boy in Nanala's memory. Wanda decided to give Nanala a break, so she didn't tell her about the memories, but she planned to once the older girl was healed.

"How do you feel about you and Henry coming to stay with Laura, the kids, and I for a while?" Clint asked,"Even if it's just until you heal up," He commented, causing Nanala to smile.

"I'd like that, but I've got to pack," She replied, and Clint nodded.

"I-I'll help," Wanda announced, stepping forward,"it's just—I know you're hurt, and you need to sit down for a bit. I can pack your stuff for you," She said, causing Clint to agree instantly.

Wanda followed Clint and Nanala to Nanala's room, before Clint grabbed a large suitcase. He placed the suitcase on Nanala's bed, as well as a duffle bag, before he grabbed a suitcase for Henry's stuff. He went to Henry's room and packed, whilst Wanda helped Nanala pack. Henry was helping Clint, but he was mostly picking toys to bring with. Clint knew his wife and kids would be happy to see him when he got home, but they'd be even more happy once they seen Nanala and Henry...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, Part Four is finished! Nanala saved Pietro, and you guys will get more of a reaction from Nanala about Pietro soon. Also, do you guys think Nanala and Wanda will become friends, or maybe Nanala and Pietro?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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