Chapter Sixty Four

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Nanala and Henry arrived at the Barton home on a Friday, and they would be leaving early Sunday to be on time for the party Shuri was throwing for Henry's fourth birthday. Laura and Clint were throwing their own party for Henry on Saturday, so the little boy was getting two birthday parties.

When Saturday had came, Nanala had woken up early to help Clint and Laura decorate. They had put up banners, streamers, and balloons for the party. Laura had made chocolate cake, and Nanala used magic to decorate the cake and make it look professional. Clint had set up the table full of gifts, which Nanala had added to. She had made sure to have enough gifts for her to give Henry some on both birthdays. She just made sure Bucky held on to the other ones for her, since she couldn't bring them with her, and they would arrived back in Wakanda just on time for the party.

"Steve, Nat, Sam, Wanda, Vision, Rhodes, and Pepper sent gifts. Tony just sent money, but I guess money is better than nothing. I'm surprised he sent anything, since he was mad at all of us," Clint commented, as he helped Nanala and Laura with breakfast.

"Maybe he sent money because he felt bad about taking his anger out on a child," Nanala replied, making Clint shrug.

"I don't know, but I still think it's a little disrespectful," Clint said, and Nanala simply nodded.

Nanala knew that Clint was still upset with Tony. He was angry at Tony for a lot, but Nanala believed the biggest thing was being put on house arrest and being arrested in the first place. If it wasn't for Tony, Clint and the others would've never been caught, at least, not as easily.

"You should go wake the other kids, that way we can sing to Henry as soon as he gets up for breakfast," Laura said,"We can also go ahead and have him blow out the candles on the cake. This way he won't have to wait for cake later," She added, and Clint nodded.

"What are we doing for lunch before the cake?" Nanala asked, causing Laura to shrug.

"Whatever Henry wants," She replied, making Nanala smile.

"I can go into town and get pizza," Nanala commented, but Clint had walked in right at that time and he shook his head.

"No, you're a fugitive here, Nala. They'll lock you up the moment they see you," Clint said, causing the girl to frown.

"I can do it. It'd be easier," Laura stated, trying to keep the two from arguing.

Nanala simply nodded and handed Laura a fifty dollar bill.

"I'll call in an order later," Nanala murmured, and the two nodded.

Nanala walked out of the room to get dressed, as Laura frowned seeing her walk away.

"I think you upset her," Laura commented, making Clint sigh.

"I had to tell her the truth. It's better than her being locked up for going to get pizza for her son's birthday," Clint replied, and Laura nodded.

"I agree, but she's still upset. I guess the idea of being a fugitive and not being able to do what she use to upsets her," She said, and Clint agreed.

Once all the other kids were downstairs, Nanala woke up Henry and dressed him in his birthday outfit. She then carried the four year old down the stairs and into the kitchen. As soon as they were in the kitchen, the kids, Clint, and Laura began to sing to Henry. Henry grinned and wiped the sleep from his eyes as he listened to them.

"Blow out your candles," Nanala murmured, as she lent forward with Henry.

Henry blew out the candles on the cake, before Nanala sat him down next to Clint to eat his breakfast. Laura and Nanala had made Henry's favorite mini pancakes and bacon. Henry wasn't a big fan of syrup, so Nanala had made her special dip she often made for his pancakes; peanut butter mixed with whipped cream.

After Henry ate, Clint brought him into the living room to watch his favorite movie, Cars. He then brought the little boy outside to play for a bit. The kids played hide and seek together for a couple of hours. After Nanala ordered pizza, Laura went to pick it up. As Laura was out, Nanala called everyone in to wash up for lunch.

By the time all of them were clean, Laura came back with the pizza and cheese sticks. Clint pulled out sodas for everyone, before they all sat down to eat lunch. After lunch, Nanala cut the cake and gave everyone a piece. She also gave them ice cream to go with it, since Henry and the other kids loved ice cream.

After the cake, it was time for presents. Nanala had Henry sit with Clint, as she and Laura handed the little boy presents. Henry kept a smile on his face as he showed his mother and his grandparents his gifts. He had gotten quite a few things from everyone to be honest.

Henry had recieved three hundred dollars from Tony, in a signed card that had Iron Man on the front. Clint and Laura had gotten the boy a bag full of cars and a box full of action figures. Steve had gotten the boy a remote control car that looked like a monster truck. Natasha had gotten the boy a special set of cars that were themed after the Avengers, before they had disbanded because of the Accords.

Wanda and Vision had sent him a few things from their travels, and Sam had gotten the boy a Lightning McQueen blanket that came with a stuffed Lightning McQueen. Henry absolutely loved it, and said he wanted to use the blanket every night to go to bed. Pepper had gotten the little boy a bedset of Cars as well as a couple pillows to go with it. Rhodes had gotten the boy clothes, as well as a set of Lightning McQueen walkie-talkies. Honestly, Nanala believed this was the best turn out for birthday gifts, and she knew the next day would be great for Henry as well. She knew he definitely felt loved after this...

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