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Just as Agil steps right behind the couch, Ekitai stops swiping on his handgun's interface, and he instead turns around while on the ground, and points the barrel up while holding his weapon close to him. His thoughts overwrought, Ekitai pulls the trigger again, firing a blast of electrified turquoise liquid up at a steep angle.

Laying heavy fire, Agil dispenses his constant flurry of vibrational blasts without thought. However, in the reflection of his gray irises, the turquoise liquid rises up from above the couch, directly in the line of fire. As his vibrational bolts strike the liquid, it starts radiating an intense glow. For once, Agil's eyes widen as the glowing liquid suddenly combusts midair right in his face.

An explosion erupts above the couch, spreading a dense turquoise cloud that quickly expands, consuming Agil and the couches. Agil coughs loudly, growling irritatedly from the successful retaliation, as he's immediately blinded. He shakes his head and begins stepping to the side, unable to see his opponent.

Within the cloud, Ekitai gets up to his feet and runs towards the far couch, attempting to make more distance between him and his attacker. Now that he couldn't be seen, he couldn't be aimed at either, giving him a perfect getaway. He pants heavily as he tries to keep his path in mind, as he too couldn't see ahead of himself.

Irritation becoming rage, Agil roars, lowering his arms and aiming his hands towards the ground. He shuts his eyes and tenses his hands, discerning that he was letting his enemy get away. In a distraught attempt to regain control, the air between his hands and the floor begins to vibrate intensely, creating a consistent, wide path of vibration that hums aggressively.

The aggressive vibrations cause tremors in the ground as the vibrations are fed into the floor, causing a small quake inside the house. While Ekitai rushes for the couch, the quake catches him, as he stumbles, dropping his handgun and collapsing on the floor.

The tremors, while coming from the main floor, are felt even from above, as inside the dark bedroom, the figurines rattle as the ground shakes. The hovering bed lightly sways as Kokei hides on it, seizing the large pillow in terror as her whole world was collapsing around her. Her face partly sunken into the pillow, she shivers both from the cold and the trepidation. For what seemed like eternity, all she could hear were shouts, explosions, and what sounded like her house crumbling from tears beneath the earth.

While she can't see it in that instant, it is painfully obvious to her that the floor below had become a royal mess, with likely broken furniture and potentially ruined walls. Everything she had built for so long was being undone around her, and all she could do was hide in her room, waiting for it all to end. The life she had slaved away for so long to make for herself was caving in on her, as people she didn't know were ruining her house, using it as a playground to cause any mayhem they desired. All of her work. All of her sacrifices. All for nothing. In the end, what was the point of all the toils? In the end, what was the point of it all?

With the forest of her world in wild flames, its natural life being choked in the heavy smoke as her trees collapse, there was nowhere to escape to in the waking nightmare other than in the waters below, beneath the present. In this horrific moment of despair, Kokei could only dive into those waters, submerging herself deep down into the dark depths, away from the inferno raging on the surface.

Trying to drown out her current miseries, she submerges herself into the worlds of her past, sinking into an old memory from long ago, far from now.

Opening her eyes, Kokei found herself inside a large, nearly empty room, with a white tiled ceiling and dark wood floor. By the corner that she stood in front of was a wide, large window, and beside it was a gray wall, with there being a pillar bled into the wall bumped against the window. The right side of the opening was partially obstructed by brown blinds, folded to prevent absolute coverage.

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