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 Above the white foamy line, the transparent casing of the flask presents an intimate view of the slim senile man, his bald head full of wrinkles and his yellow irises wide in awe. Staring straight into the flask, a wide grin breaks on his face, exposing his yellow and distorted teeth, an unpleasant smile yet concurrently so innocent.

Standing in the white room, the man brings his face even closer to the case, so close that his forehead nearly touches it, as he inspects it intimately for a few moments of delight.

From outside the flask, the man proudly celebrates, "And that should keep me on auto for a while!" He then finally brings his face away from the curved casing, and sighs in relief.

In front of the black countertop in the kitchen room of the tree townhouse, Ekitai picks up the sidearm flask full of purple liquid with his left hand, and then glances at an array of small handheld flasks placed all over the table, the ones he'd typically drink from.

On all of the tables in the kitchen, from the ones along the walls to the ones bordering the room from the center, are countless vials, beakers, and flasks of various shapes, from florence to sidearm to volumetric all chaotically placed without order, most of them filled with liquids with colors across the rainbow, blue, orange, purple, even some that appear nearly white.

Among the containers are also a couple of the large silver devices resembling pots although none of them appear to be operating as none have an ongoing timer nor are they emitting any gasses. Still, the entire kitchen seems to have become a chemical laboratory at least in makeshift.

Behind Ekitai, the windows reveal that the sky has become much darker, for it was now evening and the sky was an intense cyan rather than bright sky blue. Even with the clouds covering the sky, the evening view is still magnificent, pouring intense cyan light into the kitchen.

On the table in front of the chemist, nearly all the canteens are full of diversely colored substances. However, one of the flasks in particular is entirely empty, and that one specifically is then picked up by the bony hand.

Holding both the large conal flask as well as the smaller handheld canteen, Ekitai swiftly pours the purple liquid from the sidearm flask into the empty canteen while humming, not in a cautious and meticulous manner but rather haphazardly and carefree.

It's a miracle that none of the liquid pours out or spills, as instead he successfully fills the canteen and tilts the flask upright to conclude spillage. He then places the flask back on the table, and holds the canteen up in front of himself, giving it a slight shake.

In the same fashion as a cook tasting his work in progress to test its quality for the necessary standard, Ekitai takes a swig from the canteen, tasting the purple liquid once before then taking it off his chapped lips and letting out a satisfied sigh.

With the forced accent of a stereotypical aristocrat, Ekitai shakes his canteen again while observing, "My my, what a fine beverage."

"I'm so happy for you that you got what you wanted," gleefully exclaims the voice of Kokei as she enters the kitchen and strides behind Ekitai's back, wearing a wide smile with shut eyes in an exaggerated display of joy.

After making her way behind Ekitai, she then throws both of her arms on his shoulders, a sign of friendly affection.

Then her pink fingernails sink into his shoulders as she continues with the same tone, "But maybe you shouldn't turn the kitchen into a chemistry lab when it's supposed to be where we cook the food that you won't shut up asking for!"

"Just tell him to clean up after himself and there won't be a problem," butts in another female voice, the voice of Dana, who emits from behind the two to which they both face the source with curious expressions.

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