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"Look alive guys," the bold voice of Razi commanded, causing Flynn's sleeping eyes to awaken at once, his pupils gleaming sky blue for a moment with miniature streaks crawling out of the pupil and gliding into the iris before vanishing in a constant stream.

Jolted with an immediate burst of energy after his crash, Flynn zoomed in a blur next to the couch that he was previously laying on, now standing. He turned around as the streaks stopped generating in his pupils, which dimmed back to black. Now fully awake, he faced Razi at the front, who stood up and turned to face him. Behind him the view showcased the depths of black space sprinkled with stars, and in the center of the view was another planetary body that perfectly mirrored Earth with blue oceans and lands green and brown under swirls of white. In the far distance to the right of the planet was the smaller gray moon that orbited it, just like the one from their home world.

As Juno also got up from the seat, Razi approached Flynn while elaborating, "We're approaching Earth 59 and will be deploying in minutes, so it is time to do a quick brief."

He then turned to notice that he didn't have the whole group's attention, specifically the ally who sat at the dining table, whose attention instead was on the window as he continued to stargaze in awe. Across from him sat Calypso still, who was watching him, also not seeming to have noticed the announcement that so instantly awoke Flynn.

"Calypso, Meditat!" bellowed Razi in heavy volume, calling to them as his attention had to be set on them for the moment.

Being snatched from their tranquil voids, Calypso and Meditat both shiver from being startled and swerve to face Razi. Calypso's eyes were wide in embarrassment at having been detached as her cheeks were still red which she attempted to conceal by nodding her head swiftly while Meditat behind her blinked rapidly a few times before shaking his head to warp his mind back to the matter at hand.

His eyes then dilated too upon noticing the planet behind Razi, to which he stood up promptly and began slowly taking steps towards the three. He slowly queried, "Is that...-" as Calypso stood up, seeing what looked just like the planet he's lived on his whole life.

"Yes, Earth 59, now I know this is a lot for you to take in but I'm going to need you to focus on the mission, Meditat," interjected Razi, verbally gripping Meditat's shoulders to hold him steady as he was floating off into the eternal horizon.

Meditat nodded his head promptly before complying in a bold, resolved tone, "Yes, I understand! I apologize, I will set my concentration straight."

Razi nodded his head slightly in acknowledgement as Calypso stepped forth into the circle to listen clearly as he briefed authoritatively to the four, "Prior reconnosaiance indicates that the emperor's palace is constantly guarded by his royal army who are consistently shielding the sky from what can be assumed to be aerial bombardments. Due to their protection, a direct attack from the ground will be the only possible tactic as the entire palace is well guarded and it would not be safe to try slipping through to reach the emperor without dismantling the guards. However, if we succeed at putting down the emperor's security, he should reveal himself. It should be noted that he wants us in the first place, so we are bringing the fight to him. We'll be deploying from the floor as we are likely to be spotted once we are near the palace and will start taking fire, so we will need to drop and have the Box collect us when we are finished. Prepare yourselves for immediate fire and instant intensity, there will not be a warm up here."

He then positioned his hands over the back of his head, which was then promptly concealed by the appearance of the nanite cloud which then materialized his helmet, manifesting the white crusader mask which gleamed through its red visor.

While Flynn placed his hands over the sides of his head beside his eyes which were then covered by the black visor as the rest of his helmet manifested, Meditat tilted his head in befuddlement to Razi before imploring clarity, "From the floor?"

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