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 Gentle white light illuminates the vast corridors as the white crystallized floors gleam beautifully. The hallway is the wide one that extends from the lobby of the immense mansion given to the three guests to explore, and exploring that exact corridor currently is one of those. The guest wanders down the hall with her hands pocketed within her oversized hoodie as her eyes dance curiously around at the various entries into the plethora of rooms still unexplored, as the labyrinth of the house had a surplus of content adequate enough to feast her for years.

However, she isn't strolling around aimlessly, for she's a girl on a mission. Her pink eyes are seeking for a specific entity, piercing through her messy pink bangs of hair. She hums a gentle tune to entertain herself, appearing alone without the companionship of the others.

In her scouting mission, Kokei peeks at the various rooms, which all have light walls usually being white, as it seems the house isn't exactly designed with rainbow colors. Furthermore, it's become apparent to her that while there's a seemingly infinite group of rooms, as though the mansion is its own universe without limits– a borderless reality–, most of the rooms are poorly furnished.

Beyond the basic sofas and accompanying tables, there doesn't seem to be much to imbue life into the rooms. There's no shelves showcasing trophies and other mementos of achievement and experiences, there's no paintings or photographs hung up on the walls, in fact she convinces herself that she would've never been able to make judgements on the personality or life of the homeowner from the house alone.

Such an inability ticks her off, especially given how personalized her own home was. It felt wrong, it didn't even feel like she was inside someone's home rather it was a public building. It could be mistaken as a hotel, there was nothing indicating that someone owned this building in such an intimate fashion as residency.

However, she does note that it's not like she's seen the host's bedroom, thus there's a chance perhaps he's reserved the personalization for his own specific spaces.

Such a hypothesis does make sense, her own room was the most personalized, and it may be a bother to try decorating the incomprehensibly great quantity of rooms. Besides, perhaps there was an advantage at keeping the rooms clean to make them formally presentable; if the host was so affluent, perhaps it was a necessity for him to be able to use his own house as an office in a way, he potentially would need it for meetings and other professional engagements. Although that begs the question, what does the host even do that enchants him with such prosperity?

Especially someone with such a deadbeat personality as him, Kokei could only surmise that he'd lack the necessary charisma to conduct himself in an executive position in any organization, which seems to be one of the only potential positions to warrant such wealth.

As Kokei growls through gritted teeth at the bitterness she now begins to feel against someone with such superior economic status yet such inferior human functionality, she is suddenly interrupted by the sound from the distance ahead of her.

Her growling stops as her eyes widen in curiosity. She begins to follow the sound forward, silencing her hums as she tries to concentrate on the sound.

At first, all that can be made out is, well, some sound. But in getting closer, that sound reshapes into that of a voice, albeit muffled. Every step gradually clarifies the voice, as the tone becomes discernible, it being a deep masculine voice with an inherent gravity. The words are still too jumbled to hear properly, but that is until Kokei stops, noticing that the voice seems to be coming from a particular room she has entered previously, the entryway to the right of her a few feet ahead.

She takes a step into the room, her eyes setting on the long black tabletop absent of any surrounding seats, to which she recalls the room being the dining room. Even though she had visited the room a handful of times by now, it was impossible to memorize the location of any of them due to the unforgiving abundance of rooms, as she hadn't made an inch towards familiarizing herself with a house she's spent days at.

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