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 Deep within the mountain and sprinting down the red lit hallway, Meditat silently charged forward, his arms swinging back and forth as he made haste towards the target which he had located. His wave caped behind him as well as a faint blue streak of careful boosts to help him run without overwhelming him.

He reached the end of the hallway, which opened up into a large cylindrical silo. He reached the room before immediately halting right above an edge, and he peered down to see that along the edge of the circular walls were rings acting as a ramp all the way to the bottom, which had no railings and was only a few feet in width. Above the ramp was also a red light strip, which curled like a spring as well as the ramp from the top of the silo to the very bottom.

Staring down at the bottom of the stair room, he discerned that he was tens of feet high in the air, multiple stories that a drop without rotation would splatter his body. It wasn't helped that the floor was cold gray steel either, making the height even more unnerving to a typical person.

After observing the room for a couple seconds, Meditat jumped off the ramp, and plummeted straight down the silo, his cape hovering over his shoulder as the blue light emitting off his body illuminated the center of the room brighter as he fell.

Meditat landed on the surface of the room on his feet silently, his knees initially bent to pad his fall, but then he straightened them to stand up tall. He then faced a hallway in front of him, and continued his sprint, bolstered by the blue streak.

He kept his breath to himself, making sure to stay silent as he sprinted down the wide hallway with red light strips, making sure not to waste time to reach the destination quickly. Ahead of him, he noticed that the hallway opened up into a larger room which was also far longer, as he could see the distant other side which was so far that it seemed nearly possible that he was heading towards another silo.

Without slowing down, Meditat ran towards the end of the hallway, his cape dancing behind him as his chest emblem gently ventilated energy as well as the streaks coursing around his body. He dashed his way to the end of the hallway, finally reaching it to the next room.

Beyond the hallway was indeed a grand room, also cylindrical like the silo, and it even had a bridge along the edge by the hallway which Meditat ran up to before also halting abruptly, leaning forwards to observe the space he found himself in.

The circular bridge didn't seem to recline nor incline however, as it didn't serve as a ramp, but instead wrapped around the room to the other side, where there was another hall entrance as well as two others on the intersection.

However, what was more interesting was what was below the bridge, which was nowhere near as far down as the silo's floor was. In fact, the surface only seemed to be about a story below the bridge, but what was on the surface was truly riveting.

On the main floor of the cylindrical grand room were multiple rings of connected containers sized similarly to wardrobes, although the exterior was transparent. The transparent casing allowed for easy visibility into what was inside the containers, which were slim rectangular boxes stacked on one another from the bottom to the top, all placed beside each other around each of the whole rings.

Every individual box had several ports on its visible face, and they all had a short horizontal strip that illuminated red.

They were the exact same machines as the ones in the footage, meaning that they were indeed the servers.

However, among the rings of computer servers were also many other entities also made of metal, however these ones were shaped not as boxes but as humanoids, and they had vents along their arms, torso, and legs that emitted a red glow. They were the exact same model as the ones who were invading the city, yet there seemed to be some patrolling the room.

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