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 Red lights flashed in the dark gray sky as meteorites rain down from above, plummeting all across the city in clusters in an apocalyptic image that seemed to spell the end for humanity. Red meteorites descended past the silver skyscrapers in such quantity as though it was raindrops falling on a field, yet on a cataclysmic scale as those very meteorites stood colossal in comparison to the insignificance of the droplets that did fall from the clouds.

Diving down from the sky amongst the red and watery streaks was the man in the blue suit, his arms by his side and his cape thrashing in the violent winds. His azure lenses radiated light as did the streaks of overwhelming energy flowing through his body like a network of rivers between the fields of blue fabrics tightly woven. His hands remained open, the frosty crystals on his knuckles pulsing softly as even not in use they were fed a steady potential from the man, preparing himself for anything as he remained aerodynamic in his drop.

As the man dropped with the rainfall, he glanced around the city with the open view he had above the silver towers, taking this time to acknowledge the state of disarray.

Tilting his head up to get a greater view, his whole perspective vision was filtered through a blue tint, but among the blued landscape were red blotches highlighted in contrast to the tint. The red patches all were noticeably on the ground where the roads were, as there were none on any of the buildings for as far as his eyes could see.

The filter seemed to also provide some extent of an x-ray as red blotches were visible through the body of buildings, although even they were on the ground. One of those red patches were in fact nearly right below the man, apparently over the plaza in front of his tower where the open space was which cleared blocks of towers from standing right below the one above all.

While the man glided down with his head swiveling to observe the findings, he speedily pondered to himself in seconds: "Hmm...interesting, seems that none of them struck any of the buildings, and their scale isn't great enough to cause too much collateral on the ground beyond negligible craters. There should not be too many casualties if any especially given current evacuation proceedings; that's a relief, and incredibly convenient. Too convenient, the statistical probability of their misses given the density of the city and the quantity of these projectiles falls far below reasonable possibility; this is simply impossible under the presumption of natural occurrences. No...this is calculated and intentful, and these patterns are reminiscent of...-."

Redirecting his focus, the man lowered his head back to the plaza below, zooming in further at the distant ground. Among the red blotches in the blue world, green entities began appearing in sudden bulk, with a swarm in the red blotch in the plaza specifically. The green entities were small but many, moving in separate directions across the plaza as though they had a mind of their own..

"-an invasion."

Still in freefall, the man was propelled by a stream of blue energy released off his body to push him downward, forming the streak of a comet as he accelerated at a pace greater than what gravity alone would grant. Now, haste was on his mind, as he dove with intent speed and relinquished the filter, returning the world to its natural hues.

Among the red streaks that dropped from the sky, the blue comet dove down with the greatest speed, racing towards the surface with blinding light in front of the silver tower.
With such immaculate pace, the comet swiftly dove past the rooftops of other silver superstructures, and continued down as its proximity with the ground dwindled rapidly.

Down on the black open plaza, large pockets of thick red mist danced above the craters left from the impact of the meteorites, as while they were not immense they still left visible damages to the infrastructure.

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