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Crackles of lightning snap as arcs of vibrant pink electricity spark past the two remaining intruders from above. The two intruders, the blowdart man and the vacuum man, immediately freeze as the blowdart man doesn't fire in sudden petrification from an overwhelming force as more pink arcs race past him.

"You're not getting rid of any of my guests," asserts a deeply commanding recognizable female voice from above, causing the two intruders to turn around to face the source. The Tempest raises his head as well as Ekitai and Dana, to which both Ekitai and Dana are flooded with overwhelming awe visible on their faces. A pink light reflects off Ekitai's wide yellow eyes as he stares speechless.

Far up in the air above the group seemingly without support hovers Kokei, however her entire body constantly sparks with pink arcs, and her hair flies violently as though she's standing in front of a rageful wind. Her hoodie also rustles as her oversized sleeve and hoodie thrashes violently. Streaks of pink electricity course through her visible skin, and her pupils emanate a strong pink luminescence with a horizontal arc passing through the center of her iris.

Long pink arcs project off her body, slithering around the two intruders as more arcs branch off to constantly surround the two, causing the air to feel oddly stiff. Neither of the attackers could move a muscle as though they had been frozen, as they could only stare with dropped jaws.

"So get-," Kokei's eyes contract to a vengeful glare, "-out of my-," Kokei's hands open as arcs protrude off all of her fingertips, sending bolts racing towards the intruders, "-HOME!"

All five arcs of each hand strike each intruder, causing their entire body to begin sparking as they scream in agony.

Both bodies simultaneously plunge onto the floor, lightly sparking for a few moments as the pink arcs stop generating, allowing the few remaining ones to spark and disperse. The energy glowing in Kokei's skin dims to nothing, and her eyes close softly. As though falling asleep, she begins to plummet limp.

The Tempest immediately pushes himself to his feet and leaps forward, holding his arms out in desperation. Descending from the skies above, Kokei falls on the Tempest's arms in a bridal style, her body laying strengthless.

He drops to his knees, skidding a few feet on the carpet floor before coming to a stop. He pants heavily in a mixture of exhaustion and immense perplexion, holding Kokei in his arms as he gazes on her calm face.

Groaning in pain, Dana stands up to her feet, turning to the Tempest before imploring, "Should I neutralize both of them just in case?"

Still disoriented from the surreal sight, the Tempest nods his head, granting "Go ahead." Behind him, Dana aims her conal cannon at each of the bodies, firing a black bolt into each of them, and causing their unconscious bodies to flash black. She then lowers her cannon, reconfiguring it to the shape of a hand before turning to her left wrist, which has no hand, and watches as golden strings begin extending out from the wrist and swiftly builds a new hand as though sewn together.

The three specters then flash green before disintegrating completely in a golden mist which dissipates soon after, having fulfilled their duty. Dana approaches the Tempest, inquiring, "Do you think it's fine if we-."

The Tempest nods his head and answers before she finishes, "Yes, that's the whole squad."

Dana holds her hand up before reasoning, "Yeah but, what about her?"

Easily deducing who she was referring to, the Tempest maintains his gaze on Kokei's body. He stays silent for a few moments before replying, "She's not deceased, nor is she in comatose or any serious unconscious state. She's just...tired, seems asleep."

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