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 Above drowning waters and below piercing stalactites, both Ekitai and Kokei sit on the rim of the silver pad, their legs dangling over the edge. Behind the two, the holographic cell remains standing, concealing the other two inside. The screens from the outside are black, caching the information and events taking place past the walls.

Silence resonates through the cavern as not one word is spoken, for the loudest sound is the stillness of the water below. Another awkward silence, as Kokei and Ekitai stare off into the lightless void ahead of them with no way out.

A gentle breeze brushes against the both of them, shoving Kokei's hair forward, passing her hollow pink eyes still entranced in the abyss, her hands gripping onto the edge of the pad anxiously avoiding plummet. Beside her sits her old friend, whose yellow eyes calmly stare into the nothingness, remaining intact.

Ekitai reaches his hand into the interior of his coat and pulls out a flask of purple liquid. He turns his gaze to Kokei before grinning lightly and teasing with a dramatically luring voice, "Want some?"

Once again the joke is not met with a response, as Kokei doesn't even turn her head in acknowledgement. Understanding that she wasn't in the mood, Ekitai turns back to face the distance and remarks, "Suit yourself," before taking a swig from the flask himself.

"I should be happy."

Shocked by the unexpected speech, Ekitai pulls the flask off his mouth and turns to the one who spoke in the dull, monotonous tone beside him.

Kokei's eyes remain on the void, and she elaborates, "I should feel happy, so why don't I? This is exactly what I wanted, so why am I not grateful? What's wrong with me?"

Encountered by an unanticipatedly hefty questionnaire, Ekitai impulsively releases a nervous chuckle before gulping.

Without professional counseling abilities, Ekitai attemptively assures, "There's nothing wrong with you ahah, I mean hey well maybe when we're out we can have that normal hangout that you called me for from the beginning or something maybe, ya know?"

Beside the makeshift counselor, Kokei releases a heavy sigh. She lowers her head and shakes it rejectingly. Keeping her head down, she quietly reflects, "What have I even been doing this whole time? You were right earlier, I have regressed. Whining helplessly, getting upset at every little thing, I mean I am literally once again having to live at someone else's house because I can't safely live on my own. It's so...pathetic. I had worked so hard to become responsible, mature, self-sustaining, an actual adult who can live in and contribute to society. And then I just dropped the ball in an instant. I don't know...I don't know what even overcame me back in the house, I've been able to recall it well now and it was so...embarrassing, acting like some kind of stronger being, like a god or something stupid."

Another gulp from the flask, Ekitai pulls his flask away and liberates himself a breath. He then raises his head up at the ceiling while kicking his legs back and forth before spontaneously evincing, "Or maybe you were acting like your true self: the one you tell yourself is irresponsible, immature, unsustainable, and a child."

Kokei tilts and raises her head, eyeing Ekitai through strands of her pink hair and emitting, "Huh?"

Head up high, Ekitai promptly elucidates, "Back in the house, when you were floating with all your lightning powers and stuff, commanding 'You're not getting rid of any of my guests, get out of my home!' I mean to be honest it was maybe a bit corny, but for that second, I heard the voice of someone I haven't heard in so long. The voice of someone who wasn't tripping over herself to follow a template, the voice of someone who wasn't trying to roleplay a person she simply wasn't. Kokei, I know you've put a lot of work into making this life for yourself, but have you ever wondered: is this really what you need?"

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