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Absent of proper lighting, the space is dark and shadowy, and absent of crowds, the space is silent and mute.

A few white spots of directional light do however pierce through into the room among the darkness, catching on the white fur carpet that covers most of the room. Individual furs gleam in the scarce yet bright light, like blades of grass frosted over.

Above the fur carpets are three white sofas with thick cushions all facing each other in an incomplete square, and in the center of the three is a square table. The only uncovered side is the one between the table and the white wall, although appearing dark gray due to the lack of light reaching it.

Along the wall are white yet darkened cabinets with miscellaneous cups and plates left on the top, and on the wall itself are a few projecting paintings of landscapes featuring sierras towering a snowy forest. The paintings are nearly opaque yet somehow dim, as though they were truly solid, for they could be mistaken as such easily.

On the left adjacent side of the curved wall away from the opening of the sofa square is a wall with a wide window screen, nearly consuming the entire white wall and only leaving slim borders along the edges like framing.

Through the screen the dark night is shown, completely black with no trace of the sun, and rather than it being a beautiful sight of shimmering stars and nebulous streaks, instead it was nearly utter darkness, the cosmic beauties clouded. The only visible cosmic entity through the clouds was the sole source of light, the full moon, which illuminates the surrounding expansive clouds of the dark night. Only that light source is what gleams the white light down into the house's room, for all of its own lights had ceased.

In front of the wide aperture is casted a silhouette that looms in the center of the window, only its figure visible from inside the room. Its hands remain on its hips as if there were pockets, for its posture is relaxed and casual. It stares up at the bleak sky, only able to gaze at the moon as the singular entity inhabiting the black canvas, with four strands hanging off the back of its head like hairs yet completely distinctive and scarce.

Even then, it stands and gazes peacefully as it has been for a prolonged time, spending the deep night watching above on the surface rather than being stowed low underground where such light would fail to touch. Even without much of a sight to gawk at, it remains in place, choosing to stay above ground and rest instead of continuing the fruitless search below.

At the front is where light is received, for in the front stands the man in the leather jacket, his hands pocketed. The front of his jacket is well lit from the moonlight, exposing the grayed leather telling of its age and wear, similar to his pale and wrinkly face staring up. The jacket was also noticeably soft, making it more comfortable but also weaker, becoming more like suede albeit still retaining the scaly pattern of leather. Its linings seem to be similarly colored to the rest of the coating when in reality they were meant to be entirely separate colors, the lines less distinctive and the image less sharp.

Perhaps it was also helped by the white moonlight directly shining on it which brightened the entire body into a similar, jaded color, but only so much could external forces change an entity when all it truly does is highlight its key characteristics.

Light shines through his four white locks, just as it reflects off the blank oasis of his blue irises, which casts the image of the night sky on its own canvas. His mouth is closed and he wears a pacific face, using this time of observation to rest after a long yet inevitably disappointing day.

Past the man on his left is the wide arched exit leading into the dark wide corridor with crystallized white floors, for the man seems to be on the base floor where the dining room too is. There still doesn't appear to be any rooms lit up by themselves however, as he had turned them all off in order to get a better view of the night sky, knowing all the other residents were in their rooms asleep regardless.

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