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 Even if it's a far distance to reach, further into the abyss light begins to seep in, rays that irritate the eyes such that they begin opening even if initially slow. The eyelashes function as a veil that is gradually pulled up, revealing an image at the other end of the tunnel, an image of the lower half of oneself, the rest of the body no longer of a teenager in a casual hoodie but rather an adult in a professional blazer. There are notably scuff marks on the dress however, not from extended use with lacking repair but instead fresh marks of dirt especially distinct on what should be a white shirt underneath instead now cluttered with gray spots.

Down at the bottom of the black leggings are the dress shoes, the base black but with a classy white top, although both shoes aren't grounded but rather dangle off a dirty brown floor seeming to be made of distinct rubber tiles but with dust and debris everywhere showing lack of cleaning.

It isn't particularly the state of hygiene in the room that is first important though, as the focus is instead drawn forwards to find a cubical room with that same brown rubber materials for the walls, for at first there is no visible exit.

Given little to explore forwards, focus is shifted to the side and drawn to the arms that are stretched outwards, the right arm being the first inspected to be found with a metal cuff on the wrist, a metal cuff linked to a black wire of concentrated energy attached to the far wall or more specifically a visible projector residing against the wall with a shape resembling a cord reel but the cable emits from a black glassy aperture resembling a projector lens. The wire is straight, as though a solid physical wire and one that doesn't move despite the attempts to tug at it from the arm as it only slightly budges before reeling the arm straight again.

Glancing to the other arm, there is that same restraint connected to the same projector on the wall, the only two visible pieces of furniture that occupies the room. Similarly to the first, upon trying to bend the arm it is found that the black wire tugs back with great strength, and eventually that strength raises such that it yanks the arm straight again.

After an irritated grunt, another attempt is made to tug at the wire, and then another, yet there is no give. The grunts become gritted growls, rage beginning to fuel strength for another bend, trying to fight back against the restraints, and underneath the cuffs there's just a sliver of gold that flashes on the wrist.

The familiar whooshing effect of an opening door and following statement of a young man with a sneery voice: "Looks like the princess is awake!" reverts that gold back to natural skin color before attention is brought forward to find a wide open door now where none was present prior, and standing in that door are two men both who seem to be around their mid twenties if not less. The man on the right is dressed in a strange oversized gray shirt with red overalls and the one on the right has a flight bomber jacket on with sunglasses sat over his head, sunglasses with a strangely bulky design.

The one in overall has his hands on his hips proudly as he steps in, exiting the long brown hallway, although the floors seem made of metal. On the other side of the hallway is the opposing wall, and while there are metal strips, it seems the majority of the hall leads to an array of other cubic rooms made with rubber tiles, all of them visible through transparent red screens about the dimensions of the now open entryway into the currently inhabited room. All of the rooms are currently empty, but each do seem to have the same projectors on the far ends, just barely discernible.

The companion follows as the one in overalls jests with the same voice, "How was your little nap? You were good on the ride here, heh it's good we loaded you up here first or you might've made a ruckus!"

Beside him the man in the bomber jacket chuckles and jests back, "Well I mean we already saw what that looked like, honestly maybe we should've let her wake up. Could've made things more interesting!"

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