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Upstairs, the Doctor hadn't moved an inch, standing in front of his chair with his hands behind his back while facing the open doorway. He had a wide prideful grin on his face, as the sound of his house breaking apart had stopped, and it seemed the fight had been concluded.

Behind him, the empty syringe laid on the windowsill, drained and used more perfectly than he could ever anticipate. He had done the impossible, he unleashed God's fury onto his own people.

To his delight, through the door walked in Meditat with a confident posture, his hands closed in a fist and his head tilted down as it looked like the champion had arrived. He breathed heavily repeatedly, approaching the Doctor as his cape waved behind him.

Overjoyed, the Doctor clapped twice, applauding "Good job, I never knew just the extent to which you'd be able to use your abilities, but it seemed that hardly held you back!"

As Meditat approached him, following through the door entered Furcifer, to which the Doctor lowered his hands, and the joy he felt was slowly crushed. It wasn't helped then when behind Furcifer, Tachyon also walked into the room, followed by Eidolon and finally Intrepid, as they all followed with exhausted but survived bodies.

"What...wait...no...that doesn't make any sense...this shouldn't be possible...what did you do? What's happening...no...this isn't right...," contemplated the Doctor in clear distress, grabbing his hair and pulling as he seemed to be in amidst a breakdown.

Behind him through the windowsill, the amassed mob strolled up to the house, having reached it at last and beginning to enter. The flood had come at last, as the team was working on very minimal time.

Meditat stopped in front of the Doctor as the rest of the team did too behind him, and Meditat glared at the Doctor before interrogating, "What is the cure?"

Baffled and tormented, the Doctor shook his head in denial. He then gulped, trying to recover himself and grasp for any entitlement he had remaining. He raised his head and let go of his hair, chuckling to himself as he was able to successfully find strength.

He then taunted, "What cure? I don't have any cure, why would I make a cure? I don't know what went wrong, but no matter, they can infect all of you soon. Heh, I still win, this was just a negligible hiccup."

His tolerance broken, Furcifer extracted the blade from his right gauntlet and began marching up to the Doctor, who stumbled backwards in shock and fear before falling backwards on his room chair, which drifted backwards before bumping into the table.

In his demonic voice, Furcifer malevolently menaced, "Tell me what it is, or we're going back to what I said I'd do before."

Terrorized by the horrific interrogatory tactics of the ruthless leader, the Doctor held his hands over his face and confessed, "I'm being serious, really, I don't have a cure, I never made one! But I-oh, yes, I have the blueprints for it, I mean I needed to know how to make one if it ever somehow infected me, just in case. Here, here."

He then held his hand up, and a holographic screen projected in front of his palm, which displayed an impressively complex chemical structure.

From below the group, the sound of growls could be heard in the direction of the front entrance, and footsteps followed as it seemed the horde was making their way in the house.

His ego reinvigorated by the trumpets of victory, the Doctor then mischievously sneered, "But unfortunately, this won't do you much good, as I said I never actually produced any, so I guess you get to fall knowing the truth but never being able to use it for anything!"

Instead of falling into despair, Meditat stepped towards the Doctor, peering at the screen intently and studying the structure. He read the blueprint, analyzed it, and quickly memorized the structure before standing back up straight and stepping back.

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