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 Victory was beautiful, embellished by the ruins of shattered glass-like composite and chunks of computers scattered in rings, and further back were the debris of segments of the bridge among scraps of android components.

In the center of the battle's aftermath stood only one being, the victor, his right hand smoking with a frosty tint as he glanced around the room with heavy pants. His black cape continued to wave as he assessed the final server room after his lengthy crusade to dismantle the core of an army that had insisted it would bring an end to the civilization of a hundred worlds. Yet miraculously, they were defeated before they could conquer a single city.

Meditat let out a relieved sigh, glad that the operation was over with a success, and his plan had worked perfectly. He knew the risks when proposing it, but he also knew the reward if it were to succeed, and now he could bask in it knowing it had come to fruition.

His eyes surveyed the room casually, taking one last look for the road before planning on making a relaxing flight back to rendezvous with his team, who no doubt would have ample stories to tell of their own experiences fighting against a massive grand army of hard metal.

Silence brought tranquility to the room, as there was not a sound, and Meditat let himself take the moment to loosen himself and rejuvenate after the exhilarating task. He pivoted his head to observe the room one more time, just making sure he had gotten everything, and that it was in a state ready for his departure.

While he glanced around, a gentle sizzling sound came from the distance, which he at first didn't notice. His eyes gazed around the result of his triumph, his cape waving behind him like a flag expressing domination after a long, strenuous war.

Amidst the sensation of success, Meditat faced the source of the sizzle, and that was when he noticed a faint red smoke rising up from the debris. He peered closer and took a step towards the smoke, perplexed at first as it was coming off the bridge which wouldn't have electronics that'd fry. He stared for seconds in deep analysis, trying to piece together what was occurring when it seemed there was nothing else to concern over.

Upon closer inspection, he suddenly made a tremendously terrorized gasp as after the puzzle had aligned in his head.

Without another second, Meditat raised his head, and his body immediately rocketed straight up the room. He burst straight through the ceiling without hesitation, crashing through relentlessly in a blue streak. The sound of rocks and metal being decimated from high velocity impact continued to rise higher past the room, as he penetrated straight through the base.

As the crashes and booms drew further from the last server room, the debris that had fallen on the floor from the destruction in the ceiling began to also emit a gentle red smoke as if it was starting to burn up although it had a metal composition with no electronics inside.

On the other side stood the original four, all unmasked, all of their hair flowing gracefully with relaxed bodies and expression as the mission was a success, on both their side but the other clearly discernible by the deactivation of the entire force. Flynn had his hands behind his head to lean back on, relaxing his muscles after strenuous exercise. Beside him stood Calypso, completely opaque, as she saw no reason to remain protecting herself now that the threat had passed.

In front of the two stood Juno, who faced back at them, her eyes no longer shimmering but instead solid emerald, able to rest easy with the operation concluded. Past her stood Razi, standing over the beheaded body of the robotic leader, whose head flew all the way by the pile of bodies further beyond from the sheer force of the ultimate slash. His hair blew in the breeze as dust formed a wall around the pile from all of the abrupt crashes which happened in intimate succession.

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