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 "Hey wait what are you doing, stop that!" cries out Kokei as she reaches forward for Ekitai's shoulder, he of whom is facing away from her and instead reaching out to a tall white box machine with a shape resembling a fridge inside a well lit room with fair white walls.

Behind Kokei along said walls is a long row of cabinets although lacking in visible ridges and handles, but in the place of handles are strange small pairs of curved panels that are each shaped as a semicircle with the flat side facing inward. On top of the counters are a surplus of miscellaneous kitchenware with what appears to be pots and pans placed disorderly on the white tops same colored as the cabinets, for most of the room was white with slight differences in color hues to distinguish them as the cabinets and fridge has a partially blue hue and the walls are somewhat beige.

In reaction Ekitai rolls his shoulder to throw Kokei off while arguing back in an irritated raspy voice, "Oh for chris sakes, if you put anything here in your mouth you'd be lucky to vomit it out!" He then places his hand onto the fridge, or more specifically onto a rectangular panel on the fridge in place of the handle, to which a bright green hologram projects in front of him with a display of an inventory grid along with a column of buttons at the side that he seems most intrigued in, analyzing them quickly as Kokei recovers behind before throwing herself onto him, gripping his arms in an attempt to wrestle him back while shouting, "He doesn't want you to touch anything, dummy!"

In spite of the vast difference in size, Kokei manages to drag Ekitai backwards before the two hit against a long island table along the center of the room, the table divided in half down the long side with the half they hit being slightly taller than the other. Both sides have litter with the lower side having circular light plates, some large and others small–some stacked on top of each other– as well as cups some of which are also stacked and rolled on their side. Close to the far edge towards the wall beside Kokei there seems to be a gray plate integrated into the table with a panel sitting against the small ledge between the two elevations adjacent to it, the plate about the dimensions of a fairly sizable sink.

On the upper side of the long island are two shot glasses with red tints, and in between them are two tall bottles of a darker shade, those bottles shaking upon the collision of the hovering table by the two rowdy guests, a terrorizing reaction that throws Kokei off Ekitai's back to race to the bottles and suspend their potential drop.

In that brief window of release Ekitai bolts back to the hologram, hastily pressing various buttons that pop up new windows and pressing buttons there, and just as Kokei turns around and charges at him he presses one last button that then projects a final screen of an image resembling a trash can as the refrigerator machine makes an odd curtling sound.

With the buzzer hit, Kokei freezes in defeat, frowning miserably before she begins reprimanding aggressively, "What the hell Ekitai? They're going to be so mad at us!" as the green holograms all are relinquished.

"Who?" innocently asks Dana as she steps in through a curved doorway from some lounge room depressed by a few low steps, populated with multiple white covering fluffed couches accompanied with tabletops some small and others longer. Further against the wall is a long window screen displaying the high of day, cyan light pressing into the room from the sun over the forest, touching down on the couches and the white fur floor below.

Dana continues inside, well dressed in her black blazer but with a concerned expression, her green eyes sharp as her head tilts. She approaches the center of the room, moving past the end of the long white island table where more dishes lay. There are a few cabinets also along the wall at her side adjacent to the one with the door she enters through, and further along said wall is another doorway to a lengthy room.

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