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 Through the open doorway which faintly emits the teal hue, the gaping aperture in the dirt wall of the building, exits the slender man in the brown overcoat with steady steps before being followed by the mature woman in the black blazer and tailed by the petite woman in the white hoodie.

Upon exiting the store, the three reposition themselves to be beside one another in a horizontal line, the woman with the short amber hair in the middle, the man with the bald wrinkly on the left, and the shorter woman with the long pink hair on the right. Almost immediately upon their reentry back to the outdoor cave, locals strolling about the rocky roads begin to cower away, veering towards the opposite side of the street to make distance from them as others mutter and judge once at a safe distance especially after the hearing of the gunshot from where the aliens left.

They make their way down the road, once again on their quest to find their ally. The woman in the center occasionally glances at the distant buildings in search for another possible area to scour, the woman on the right frequently glimpses at the myriad of locals tossing disgusted and agitated stares at them, and the man on the left just faces straight forward without focus on the rest of the city, just following along now.

They walk side by side steadily down the road's center, walking amongst the rest of the city's people who stroll up and down the streets, distinguished by their bony figures and gray skin as well as the lack of visible hair. They wear rags over their torsos, some with hoods that hide their heads, and blue bomber jackets all scattered around the city.

From side to side Dana analyzes the many buildings in their path, studying them just from the outside to determine which would be the best to dive more deeply into. She wears a light frown, still having reached no success in the search and only getting into more trouble that would cause more ruckuses, ruckuses they couldn't keep affording stepping into. Her arms stay by her side as she walks with an upright, professional posture, trying to present herself the most approachable, although she understood well that despite her efforts she would appease no one.

They were technically people she did not know on streets she had never walked, and yet this was all too familiar, the attitudes of the general public, the states of their home, the gradual decline that they were all collapsing into together. It was all too familiar, and yet in this situation it was her to be the alien, her to be the outsider others feared and hid from, and ultimately her that was the subject of the fear rather than one of its victims.

To only now realize just how alike they truly were brought a deeper frown, as she had neglected the entire state of the world she was in from the hyperfocus on her friend, not realizing that the whole world was suffering.

Compounding near death after near death leaves Kokei in a constant state of panic, the cave not particularly cold yet her body shivering, her head swiveling constantly at all of the eyes on her, the eyes of potentially another individual armed and keen to strike.

Her pink irises shimmer under the white fluorescence of the cave city, her hair being tossed back and forth whenever her head turns, the most unkempt of the three albeit logically so given it being the longest too. Her lips are parted slightly, letting her inhale and exhale rapidly, keeping her volume low but secretly hyperventilating everywhere she goes.

Every corner they had turned led to danger, danger she couldn't find the right actions to take against, and every time she ended up having to cower behind the others. It felt like every store had an owner just primed to shoot at them, and every ally had another tussle between Exhumans whose abilities were amplified dangerously so.

Each and every second spent in this cave was a terrifying adventure, one she was failing to navigate properly, for the best she could do was tail the others as they walked into another gunfight. All she could do was just watch and hope one of them had a solution to save them, to depend on their support without being of much service herself.

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