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 From first glance the material of the purple door is solid, rigid, unmoving, unbending. Or at least that is the case until the entire door abruptly crumbles into fragments so miniscule that they appear no more than particles like light, purple light that disperses to gradually reveal the figure of a humanoid behind, one whose shape and texture is greater exposed as the particles fizzle into nothingness to fully feature the fatigued face of Kokei, her pink eyes usually electric with life instead dull, the dark eyebags beneath them dirtying her otherwise fair complexion.

Similarly her pink hair is in disarray, strands poking out like branches of a tree, some merging back into the main flow but others never able to return. In fact the only electrification of her appearance is the spiking of the hair on the top of her head as though static runs through her although in actuality it's just a result of her own self neglect to focus on other matters she's chosen to more highly prioritize.

She closes her eyes and releases a heavy yawn that she tries to cover with her hand but to little suppression, yet at least she begins strolling forward once her arm is dropped to her side, leaving the room behind her which is without light of its own, almost as if she was just sleeping inside even though that could be no further from the truth.

Well lit at least is the lobby that the bedroom branches off of, the whiteness of the room playing up its brightness with white sofa clusters surrounding samely colored tables, all of them hovering over a soft fur floor like clouds that are stepped on.

Each of the five doors are spaced out along the edges such that they reside at the vertices of a star, each vertex a different color with red, green, and two variants of blue other than the purple door that then materializes back once the current resident has left far enough.

Along the edges too are several ringed bridges to mark different stories of the rather tall lobby, each bridge giving a surface to more easily access the many closed doors that could be used for any number of purposes, almost overkill especially when in truth so few residents make use of the space.

In fact at the current moment there are merely two, the first one after having left the purple room approaching the center of the room where lies the second whose black pants, which are noticeably just a few hairs too short given the amount of the leg being exposed, is hung over one of the sofa's back to let his own back rest on the cushion. His bald head lays on the very edge too, his yellow eyes staring up at the ceiling in wonder. His left hand further cushions the back of his head but his right clutches to a clear flask that's filled with a purple liquid which at least doesn't spill out.

The man's head leans back upon the sense of the other resident despite the footsteps nearly silent with such a soft surface.

Facing the friend who's dressed in the white cupcake hoodie, Ekitai just casually greets with his head flipped upside down from the hanging, "Oh hey Kookie, nice makeup."

Ambling at low battery mode, Kokei's eyebrow raises to the strange remark which causes her perplexion that she expresses with a, "Huh...?" The realization while lagging does eventually reach her however, but without enough energy to express anger to the jab she just reverts to her exhausted face and mutters, "Oh, funny."

"You can't ask for an extension?" innocently suggests Ekitai, no apparent sarcasm in his tone but the approaching burnt stick of Kokei responds with a slightly sharp attitude, "That's not how it works Ekitai," before she then simply collapses on one of the other sofas headfirst, the cushion drowning her face and muffling her voice used to apologize, "Sorry that came off mean."

Unfazed however Ekitai just smiles softly and assures, "No matter, yeah sorry I just figured you could do that since all the game companies have always been doing that. Man I can't even tell if S.T Project Blue is still a thing; I feel like they've delayed that one game for decades now."

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