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 At first the light was so intense, contrasted by the dark tunnels that it was blinding, blinding for a few seconds in fact, for all that could be seen is white.

The roar of the engine also instantly silences with only a whimper, and in those moments was pure silence and blindingness. But after adapting to the new source and being able to see through the dissipating blinds, a new image crystalizes in view, an image of an incredible phenomenon, one that upon first glance is one of amazement.

That image is of a colossal craggy cavern, and within that colossal craggy cavern is a considerable compact city. A cave many miles in length so much so that the walls are but a brown haze, a cave so tall that it was as if the city had its own sky, albeit still finite with a rocky ceiling lined with stalactites that stare down over the urban center with umpteen masses of buildings, some stacked many stories tall although nothing even near the height of a skyscraper.

Emerging from an aperture rather high up in the cave, the city below felt smaller, and from a birds eye view it's clear that the city has a compact design with tight streets and neighborhoods. Of course the city's size was no simple feat, yet it was making the most out of it in a desperate fashion, one that foregone the commodious neat style of many other cities, of standardized blocks and wide streets.

While not many details of the buildings can be made out from so high up, what can be determined is the simplistic geometry of most of them, build as rectangular prisms with no flashy curves like Versepolis's towers, and differentiated from those silver skyscrapers the buildings also had a brown texture resembling the dirt rocks composing the cave's walls, noticeably different in its brighter tone which nearly gives it a dirty gold finish, but still similar.

While at the front of the leisurely cruising pod Meditat and Dana both remain seated still, Meditat's face stern without wavering and Dana's startled but stable, both Ekitai and Kokei nearly fall towards into the seats ahead, barely catching themselves as both of them release a synchronized albeit not harmonious shriek.

Kokei begins rapidly muttering to herself as she recollects herself and tugs her own body while Ekitai on the other hand swiftly recovers, leaning back and glancing over at the window beside him in intrigue whilst wiping the purple stain and drool off his face.

Through the window Ekitai gazes over the underground city after lowering his arm, with such vast land ahead as they had emerged from one of the borders, giving sights of the edge.

With his yellow eyes he specifically focuses further down where the streets are, a strangely concerned expression worn.

Down by the surface of the cavern, streets floored the same as the city as rocky and rough can be seen in between collages of buildings stacked on each other, and in the streets are masses of humanoids who were interacting with one another in such a way of a marketplace.

The people are predominately wearing brownish gray clothing with similar skin, and while some of them chat amongst themselves and walk up and down the streets, an expansive sample of them stare right back up entranced both in awe yet some sort of hesitancy, some of them staggering backwards and whispering to each other.

Several even turn around and begin walking away, trying to depart the area from the notice alone, while others step in through doorways of the market buildings to which the doorways are closed off, although peculiarly not by the materialization of a door but rather the activation of a red energy barrier. Such a design contrasted against the rest of the building's design, one of the many reasons why one would usually not use this convention amongst others of general friendliness, for the only true purpose of an energy-based door is to most affordably prevent unwanted entry which standard materials of a physical door may not as effectively do.

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