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 Painted on the black boundless board of space, a planet resided nearby, frosted with gray swirls over dark green and brown lands and navy oceans. Scattered across the Earth like stars in the cosmos were yellow lights that acted like glitter for the planet, residue of complex life which maintained life itself even when temporarily unsupported. Behind the beautiful nightly Earth was the distant cyan globe of the supersun, shining brightly eternal, beaming with cyan flares from so far away and yet it was so large too, still considerably sized even compared to the Earth which was far closer. Its light was captured on the outlines of the Earth, but from behind, it did not reach, and on that side of the Earth would have been asleep.

Accompanying the Earth too was its own moon which hovered nearby, although on the moon were a few specs of light as though buildings were built on it, signifying that it had been colonized. Given the advancements in technology this was a reasonable feat, but it was still an accomplishment nonetheless, one that many other civilized Earths had acquired.

In the painting as well brought forth a new piece previously not there, moving straight towards the Earth. The piece was not as visually spectacular as the celestial bodies however, as rather than filled with colors or gleaming with power, it was instead a black rectangular box with no exterior features but just a smooth flat wall. Yet it did move on its own, given a voice as it hummed in the vacant space.

It moved rather speedily towards the Earth, drawing smaller as it approached closer. Its hum became quieter and its body shrank, until it completely disappeared into the planet.

Gliding straight to the destination, the Box flew through the black void with consistent pace, humming along as it then entered a navy blue space. It kept pushing down, flying straight into a sea of darkened clouds. Through the delicate layer of clouds it emerged, continuing entry as day became night. It dove down further without slowing down as random white flashes appeared in the sky, so far that its sources weren't visible, until they passed.

Not even half a minute into reentry, the Box finally pulled up, readjusting itself with the planet's relative gravity and tilting upwards to fly normal to its surface. The Box's hum immediately became quieter, dropping without much transition.

Drifting forward inside the Earth, the Box flew over large single houses on green patches dotted along a network of illuminated gray aisles, some of which ended in circles while others were interconnected. The houses had flat rooftops and smooth metallic bodies, most of which were white with some exceptions being stone gray. They had multiple components defined by the different prismatic chunks, and behind them were largely vacant plots of more grass in square yards.

Neighboring the houses were also tall trees flourishing with green umbrellas, a typical suburban neighborhood modernized with sleek technology yet maintaining its natural aura. Along the edges of the black streets were parked pods most sized like an SUV, none of them currently active as the entire neighborhood in fact appeared dormant.

Its only source of sound, the Box cruised over the haunting neighborhood, the only source of light being the dim roads which spread light reflected by the houses. They were family homes, and there were many of them, many families living in this dark eerie neighborhood that apparently was in deep sleep.

Inside the sole living dwelling, which was the smallest of them all, the leader observed the neighborhood from the windshield, seated at the front as the holographic gauges helped him monitor the pod's condition. He then stood up from his seat, not particularly needing to control the vehicle, as he was given free reign to walk around the chair and down the central aisle.

His arms behind his back, he announced loudly, "Attention, everyone!"

Lying on the couch ahead, Juno sat up grougily, seeing to have passed out during the short trip. She raised her eyes up at Razi through strands of her brown hair which she then parted to the side before raising her arms with a yawn.

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