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 At the top of the globe bleachers, both Dexter and Rica face forth towards the Square which is still abundantly populated as anyone who leaves the area is replaced by more incoming, the stands constantly full as it takes not a full minute for any open seat to be taken. Above them in the blue sky are the sparse white clouds spread over the canvas, the cyan supersun completely in view at its peak, though the sunlight passing through is still somewhat dimmed.

However the two simply focus on their meals until Rica pauses her bites, not turning around but reclining while randomly considering, "You know...actually maybe we should go somewhere."

Again pausing his eating, Dexter doesn't need to turn his head to innocently ask with an uncertain tone, "Like...where? You want to go to a Center after work or something?"

Regardless of the genuine question born out of a true lack of context, Rica bursts into a giggle, leaning forward as Dexter does as well, turning to face her in bewilderment, asking intently, "Wait, what is it?"

Shaking her head as she controls herself, dampening her laughter with her words, she corrects playfully: "Sorry sorry that was my bad, I meant like a trip, vacation, somewhere either out of the city or out of the whole world. Sorry I just for a second thought you were offering to go to a mall for a vacation, you know it's something you'd do."

Huffing from the sly accusation, Dexter chooses not to directly engage it but considers the true proposition, facing forward once again with the clarification served. However it takes only a few seconds for him to question, "Wait, I assume you're talking about Christmas since that's the closest holiday, but is one day really enough to do an offworld trip?"

Reclining further as she lightly kicks her legs up and down leisurely, Rica takes a few small bites from her pizza before reminding, "Well we have leave on top of that, you know. I mean even just normal accumulated leave is probably enough for us to get at least a few days off, but I know for a fact you've been climbing up expansion hours so you probably wouldn't even need to dip into leave."

Taking a single bite out of the crust as that's all that's left of his first slice, Dexter munches until swallowing the piece to then concern, "But those are for emergency situations, like if I can't go into work one day and I need something to fall back on."

Lifting her free fist in the air, Rica raises her pointer finger as she prompts, "One: we already have emergency time for that exact reason," before raising her second finger while appending, "Two: if you really needed to call out for one day I'm sure they'd let you without caring anyways."

Pivoting to face her now after that second point, Dexter tilts his head and warns apprehensively, "Uh...I'm pretty sure I'd still get in trouble if I tried faking entire days, I can get seriously punished for that."

Without turning her head or even changing her relaxed posture, Rica just keeps her sights to the sky steadily darkening as though approaching evening, giggling before nonchalantly teasing, "You worry so much Dexter you're going to bald early like that."

Instinctively Dexter grabs his man bun, squeezing it once as though needing to remind himself that no such process is cursing him before he then retorts back, "I haven't had a single gray hair, I'll be fine."

While a few people among the bleachers around the two start raising their heads to the sky, murmuring in perplexity, Rica ignores the argument and instead simply asks, "So where do we go? Anything on the stash list for you?"

Regardless of his arguments doubting the ability to even obtain the time for a vacation, Dexter sighs in acknowledgement of defeat confirmed with his earnest answer, "Not really, I guess it's be neat to visit the globe cities on Earth 44 but I'm not sure if it's worth going for a couple days."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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