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 Touched by only the dim ambient light of the urban cavern, scattered rocks sit spread across the uneven floor amongst chunks of dirt in varying sizes. All of the debris in fact are in diverse sizes and shapes, chaotic and without order. Some of the rocks are visibly fragmented with pairs of rocks complementing one another yet separated, with strands of dirt laid in between in uneven piles.

From above a bright pink flash is brought on by a few arcs of pink electricity which course to the rocks, spreading over the debris before then flickering and vanishing.

A few seconds later, more arcs reappear over the rocks, although maintained for a more extended period of time, and within that time a few of the dirt particles begin quivering as though there was a quake. But alas, the electricity flickers before vanishing, and the quivering particles are returned to rest.

Above and around the detritus is the short woman covered in the oversized white and pink cupcake hoodie, who gazes through electrified eyes, with glowing pupils emitting arcs within the iris, at her fingers which spark pink arcs in between. The arcs flicker again before vanishing, and with a frown she softly sighs in defeat, giving up on the attempt on such a meticulous action.

Whilst she stands in the cavernous cavity carved crudely, aggressive raspy shouting from behind her floods out into the neighborhood crassly. The source of which is visible through the hole where the other three are, the woman in the blazer in the hollow living room and the other two in the functionless kitchen.

Still focused on the blatant hole left in the house inviting anyone to step on inside, Kokei closes her eyes with an even more disappointed sigh, lowering her head as pink strands of hair partially cover her face while the familiar senile raspy voice berates, "It wasn't even minutes I mean seriously how did you even achieve such a feat?!?!"

Inside the kitchen room, Meditat stands leaning against the dirt countertop, his elbows resting against the surface to support his hands which grip the sides of his face directed to said surface in a contemplative, troubled expression.

He silently stares at the counter while behind him paces Ekitai, throwing a fit with his arms shaking his flask as he walks back and forth in the kitchen, continuing on: "Like what, did you just think since this was a house that meant there was no danger and we could just do anything?? Didn't you say you did 'research?' My guy, I would LOVE to see those files because I swear I would not be surprised if you marked this world down as nothing more than 'big underground cave place.' Seriously, I mean shoot I should've mentioned that when we parked in the first place but in my defense you're the one gloating about how 'figured out' you had everything!"

He continues to pace around as Meditat remains standing in place, and in a calm voice he dryly inquires, "Are you done? It was a brief oversight that happens on these long missions, and just because we don't have it currently in our possession does not mean it's gone forever."

Behind him, Ekitai sips from his flask and unleashes a painfully sarcastic laugh before sneering, "Oh really? Well bombs man I didn't know you were suddenly an optimist!"

Under his breath Meditat growls at the barrage of insults, for while they were somewhat deserved to an extent they were quickly becoming pointless attacks. He then stands up straight and turns around to face Ekitai, who stops upon noticing his shift in attention.

Standing against the insults without feeling anxious but rather with a bold glare, Meditat confidently asserts, "I shut down the pod's engine, and it can only swiftly reactivate under my exact command, a command that cannot so easily be hacked as it is one sent over my own servers, servers unlinked to any physical reachable drive. Now, I understand that they have a rather talented local hacker in their group, likely the cyborg and technically they may be able to reroute the system to unwire the pod from my own security systems, but that is far more difficult and something that will take time."

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