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 High in the bright blue sky amongst the fluffy white clouds slides the golden train as it gradually uncurls itself from its former halo shape into a snake, one that rises on its turn upwards for the infinity above, the cold airless vacuum unsuitable for life to roam exposed.

Despite the approaching danger zone, atop the golden roof of the train on one of the many cars stands two figures, simply on top of the train flying up above the sky after the announcement had requested their return inside.

Though the two figures are not simply standing, as in fact one of them is off their feet and in the air, that one being the one with the black coat waving behind their back beneath the yellow hat as their fist is pulled back, the fingers a metallic gray which he thrusts in his lunge at the other figure in front whose true black cape waves too in the air same as the hood, protecting only the back as in front the figure extends their hands both of which emit streams of azureous flames which moments upon extension widen out to form a barrier that materializes immediately next into a silver metal sheet functioning as a wall.

That wall though is immediately punctured through the center by that metallic fist of the pirate king who grits his teeth, an intense grimace as the force of his strike reverberates throughout the wall, though his fist was too far from target and the hole wasn't nearly wide enough to slip his entire body through. Oddly enough however that's when his knuckles suddenly flashed from that dark gray metal into more of a dirty bronze, and at once all four of his knuckles are shot forward as bullets propelled by an explosive projection like any ballistic firearm, firing point blank at the Spirit who just the moment prior had reacted with an evasive crouch only capable in such little reaction time due to the propulsion as left behind in the blue residual glow emissive off the body.

That evasion provides the Spirit just enough time to wrap his right arm in a gauntlet double his size, one equipped with a strange fist as the knuckles are open vents which flare bright blue as he throws that fist forward just as the knuckles propel a repulsive burst of energy towards the wall just as it erupts in flames to allow the full blast to thrust the King off his feet in the air as he reaches for the surface well beyond his arm length, or that is until his left arm inhumanly stretches like ropes to allow his hands to clutch onto the roof thereby allowing him to pull himself as his right arm is arched back, though his arm too elongates but not only that as the entire fist suddenly inflates to nearly ten times its original size as it again recolors into the gray metal, becoming like a train itself just before it's driven straight at the Spirit who leaps backwards with his arms forward to manifest flames that form a thicker metal wall between himself and the fist, though that fist simply smashes straight through with ease such that the Spirit has to accelerate his backtread with an additional burst accompanied with a cable projected from his back.

Flung backwards away from the titanic fist that then deflates back to its human size as the King lands on the ground, letting his arms also snap to proper length, the Spirit lands on his feet though skids slightly back, the frosty crystal on his boots flickering in response to the intense show of strength.

Though in truth that was only the start, as the King clashes his fists together which sparks as he marches straight for the Spirit, taunting in a voice still intense though noticeably more confident given his smirk: "So you really can just make anything out of the blue, well that's one bullshit power but I guess I can't complain. My body is anything I make it, so let's see which one breaks first."

Separating his fists, he allows each of his fingers to stretch independently to lengths like a rope each, though the tips of his fingers expand out to form various tips of different weapons, axes and glaives, maces and scythes, and simply autonomously all of them begin spinning by their finger cord to such speeds they're nearly impossible to track with it only being a matter of time before the windup's energy is released.

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