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 Blankly staring straight, Meditat solemnly looked ahead at the white room as the engine's deep hum softened. His mask still on as he stared through a barrier of concealment, he heard a gentle thud under him, which preceded the silencing of the engine.

Following the sleeping of the engine was the whoosh of a doorway opening, to which several voices chattered amongst themselves behind him, although the specific words weren't focused on but rather rendered to jumbled sounds with no clarity.

After hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, Meditat pivoted his head away from the window, facing the interior of the Box. He got up from the dining table seat that he had been using during the ride, and faced the open exit of the pod. He then began approaching the exit as the voices got louder, voices of excited men and equally excited women conversing between themselves. Behind him was nobody but the rest of the narrow interior of the Box, tabletops and seating along the long walls between an open aisle.

Following in slow, steady steps, he departed the Box through the doorway, taking a stride down to the ground without using the holographic ramp. Now outside in the white walled garage, he continued walking forwards, his mask still on and his head tilted slightly low but not overly so to the point of being dramatic. Behind him the Box drew farther and farther away, the simple rigid black vehicle which he had somewhat become used to regardless of its deeply unapologetically deviant design.

Without altering his slow pace, Meditat strided forwards in silent footsteps like a ghost, his hood up and his arms by his side. Speech was thrown back and forth still in front of him, the exact words still tuned out into unintelligible noises.

"Meditat," called out a crystal clear voice, the deep masculine voice of the man standing in front of Meditat, who raised his head instantly like a dog being called for a walk, suddenly excited by the mere mention of his name as he immediately returned to the environment.

Eager to know what he was called for, he stared at the one speaking to him, not speaking back just yet but showing his clear undivided attention.

Standing several feet ahead of Meditat stood the four, all of their masks and helmets relinquished to reveal their human faces. They all stood side by side forming a wall, and from left to right stood Juno, Razi, Flynn, and Calypso respectively.

The specific one who spoke was one of the men in the center, the leader in the crimson suit, who pursued, "I almost forgot, we don't need the psychic inhibitors anymore, you can take them out now."

Waiting for a few more seconds as though desperately expecting for a continuation of the message, Meditat dumbfoundedly stood silent in awkwardness. However, after the realization that there was no more left to say, and that what was said was all that was intended, Meditat's head was slightly lowered in a subtle sense of disappointment.

Defeated, he assured gently "I already erased them when we got on the ship, they're not in any of you guys now."

At first befuddled, Razi placed his finger inside his right ear, feeling it for a few seconds as though in analysis. He nodded his head eventually and took his finger out before admitting, "Guess you're right, well I guess I let myself get too relaxed and didn't even feel it lifted, that's not good. Well then, also you can take the mask off now, the gate is shut."

In response Meditat nodded his head once and feebly excused, "I'm just monitoring the data uploading process for the mission...actually I was going to the main laboratory to make a report and put it in the system. Even if we weren't able to get any samples off a corpse, there was still a lot gathered, and this was a unique specimen so I want to make sure the report is thorough."

A casual smile struck Razi's face before he nodded back and extolled, "Good man, always focused on the mission. I'll leave you with the report then, but we might join you in the laboratory later, there's a handful of cases rising in priority that we need to look into today and it's still the morning. Well, enjoy yourself!"

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